03 Jun “This Is How We Grow” Wins an “IPPY” Award in NYC & is one of Aspire Magazine’s “Top 10 Inspirational Books!”
I was pacing my hotel room in Sacramento, CA a few weeks ago, doing last-minute preparations for a presentation when, quickly checking my email, I saw a message titled, “IPPY Award Winner Interview.”
I’d already seen a few emails from the Independent Publisher’s Book Awards announcing winners in various categories, and, assuming I hadn’t won, I’d deleted the final two announcements. I almost deleted the “interview” email, too, but instead clicked on it and read the first line: “Congratulations on winning an IPPY Award!”
“What? Did I win an award?” I wondered, and went back through my junk mail until I found the official answer. “Yes!” This Is How We Grow had won an Independent Publisher’s Book Award, or an “IPPY,” for “Best Adult Nonfiction Ebook!“
Two weeks later, I was off to New York City to accept the award, and what a trip! My close friend since 5th grade and one of my editors for This is How We Grow, Becky, came with me–the perfect culmination to our long hours of work together. We saw the sights for 2 1/2 days–The Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, 9/11 Memorial, Central Park, The Met, MOMA, and three broadway shows.
But it was the ceremony that meant the most to me. Not because I received a medal, or even because I was being recognized. No,
fun as it was to see the other winners and meet some interesting new people, that wasn’t what made this a memorable moment for
What made it memorable came to me in my on-camera interview before the ceremony even began (which will be posted for you to see soon!). The interviewer asked, “What does this award mean to you?” It made me think.
“For one,” I replied, “it means my real life story–my family’s story–is being honored. It somehow validates all we’ve been through,” I said.
“Also, being my first book, it validates my writing,” I continued. “It honors the four years I spent diligently working on this project, hoping it might help others some day. This award shows me I was right, that it will.”
Three days later, This is How We Grow received another humble honor as one of Aspire Magazine’s “Top 10 Inspirational Books.”
Each recognition is another boost that the message of This is How We Grow is needed, that it is resonating with those who need it most.
My “Acceptance Speech…”
No, there wasn’t time for an acceptance speech at the awards, but I would be pretty ungrateful if I failed to do so now…
I am deeply grateful to all who have read and shared This is How We Grow, to all who have sent me messages of support, encouragement, and love and to those who have shared with me your own stories of hope and healing through reading my story.
I am grateful for all the book clubs who’ve discussed the book, and those who have invited me to participate in their clubs in-person or through Skype. What a joy and pleasure it has been getting to know you! Also, I am grateful for all who have reviewed the book on Amazon and Goodreads–it helps more than you know!
Finally, I thank my husband, OJ, and my beautiful children for not only allowing but for helping me GROW through our experiences and my new journey as an author. Everything I do, I do it for and because of you.
Have a copy of This is How We Grow and want an IPPY seal for it?
Just email me and, for the cost of a stamp and envelope, I can mail you one!
Check out Amazon Bestseller & IPPY Award Winner, This is How We Grow,
now available on Amazon.com!
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I’m just so proud of you! Good job! Way to go! Knew you could do it! Awesome! Writing and awards, too! Wow! Thanks for being you. Karin
Thank you very much, Karin. I appreciate your support very much! xo