27 Jan “This Is How We Grow” Book Giveaway, Book Club, & More!
We have some exciting things happening with my recently released bestselling memoir, This is How We Grow, and I’d like to share them with you!
GoodReads Giveaway!
First, we’ve just started an exciting giveaway. I am giving away 10 Autographed copies of This is How We Grow through GoodReads.com! GoodReads does some amazing giveaways, and I’m thrilled to be part of it! If you’re already on GoodReads, I hope you’ll follow me, then click here or see the sidebar (right) for information on how to enter. If you’re not on GoodReads, check it out! Membership is free, and it’s a great way to learn about new books you will want to read. Entries will be accepted January 25-February 25, midnight, so go enter today! Good luck!
This is How We Grow Book Club
The reviews are in, and readers keep saying, “This is How We Grow is the perfect book club book!” To make help you in hosting a This is How We Grow book club, I’ve added two new features to my This is How We Grow Book page: 1) a “Book Discussion Guide,” and 2) an “Interview with the Author.” Visit my book page for more information!
Book Club Visits & Skype!
I am also beginning my This is How We Grow book tour! I will be traveling each month to speak about This is How We Grow, and I hope to come to your area! (See my calendar of events for cities I’ve already booked.) I plan to attend as many book clubs as possible when I’m in different cities, starting with two book clubs in Phoenix, AZ, this week! If I can’t make it to your area or your club meeting, I’m also available to Skype in! Visit my book page for details, and I hope to see you soon!
Book Events & Live Webinars
As I mentioned, I will be speaking on the topics covered in This is How We Grow to as many audiences as I can manage over the next year. My events schedule is already taking shape, and if you have an event at which you’d like me to speak, please visit my speaking page, and contact me. Yes, my time is limited because yes, I’m still a mom of six kids. But, I hope to make as many visits as possible work!
For those who can’t attend an in-person event, I will also be hosting some live webinars on various This is How We Grow topics, including motherhood, dealing with grief, women’s emotions across the lifespan, personal growth, and many more! If you have a topic you’d like to see covered in a free webinar, please leave a comment, below, or email me. Otherwise, SUBSCRIBE, below, or follow my Dr. Hibbert Facebook Page and This is How We Grow Facebook page for updates on these exciting events!
This is How We Grow Personal Growth Group!
If you haven’t already, join us for my This is How We Grow Personal Growth Group! It’s free, online, and a wonderful way to learn the skills of overcoming, becoming, and flourishing! With monthly video lessons, an online support group on Facebook, and inspirational emails and posts, this group is one way to show your self some love. For more information, visit this post, and I hope to see you there!
More exciting news to come! Happy growing!
Be sure to check out the #1 Amazon Bestseller, This is How We Grow!
Available now on Amazon.com!
Don’t miss a thing!
SUBSCRIBE, below, for updates, inspiration, and FREE giveaways!
And please “Like” my Facebook pages, Dr. Christina Hibbert and This Is How We Grow, and follow me on Twitter, Pinterest,and Instagram!
You may manage your subscription options from your profile
Related Posts/Articles:
Introducing my This Is How We Grow Personal Growth Group: Free. Online. Join Today!
This is How we Grow: Understanding the Seasons of Personal Growth
10 Ways I “Choose To Grow” Each Day
Beyond Happiness: 10 Ways to Increase Joy!
5 Skills of Overcoming…Depression, Grief, PPD, Stress, Hormones, etc., etc.
Discovering Self-Worth: Why is it so hard to Love Ourselves?
PSI Blog Hop 2013: 16 Things I’d Like My Postpartum Self to Know, 6 Kids and 16 Years Later
Why I Feel Like a Loser Mom, and How I Know I’m Really Not
Let’s Get Real: 10 Confessions from “The Psychologist, The Mom, & Me”
In Memory of My Sister, on the 5th Anniversary of her Death
10 Major Mistakes I’ve Made This Month, and Why It’s OK
How to Embrace Strengths & Weaknesses
The Positive Psychology of Flourishing: What is it? And Am I doing it?
The 3 Layers of Self-Care: Build a Healthier, Happier YOU!
Practicing Patience: 20 Ways to be More Patient Today
Postpartum Depression Treatment
Self-Esteem & Self-Worth: 10 Things Everyone Should Know
5 Women’s Mental Health Facts Everyone Should Know
Weather the Storms Together: 4 Ways to Strengthen Families Through Times of Stress
Just ran across your website researching an activity for school. Looking forward to reading your book and growing in my life’s journey.
Thank you, Kay! Looking forward to “growing” with you! 🙂