12 Apr The Power of Pure Love: “You are Known, You are Needed, You are Loved”
Today, I speak from the heart. I’m not editing or re-reading or changing anything today, to make it perfect. I’m simply speaking what my soul whispers, and I hope it is received by those who need it most.
Yesterday, I was able to go to the temple in San Diego where I’m enjoying a few days away from it all. The temple is a place that always brings me peace, but yesterday it brought me something more. As I began the service I provide in that holy place, a woman volunteering there saw me coming toward her. “Good morning and welcome,” she said brightly, her eyes shining in delight. “I am so happy you have come here today.” Her words were common enough, at least for the temple which is always a place of welcoming, but the way in which she spoke the words was powerful. In those few phrases and in the one or two minutes we were together as she helped me on my way, I felt the power of her love for me. For me! Someone she’d never met and would likely never see again. Yet I felt it, and her love for me was so powerful, it brought me to tears.
I didn’t know I needed to feel that kind of love yesterday. I arrived happy, grateful, at peace, and feeling love for my family at home and for those I was seeing along my way. But this kind of love was different than the kind we profess to feel and “have” for one another. This is the love that transcends all–the pure love of Jesus Christ, as we call it in my faith–charity. Charity, though we’ve come to think of it as giving to the poor and serving the less fortunate, is so much more than these holy responsiblities. Charity is feeling God’s love for each of us, being filled to the brim, and then pouring that love out to all we see.
This woman yesterday was brimming over with this pure love, and as soon as she poured it onto me, I began to be filled as well and couldn’t help but then brim over with charity myself and seek to fill all others I came into contact with throughout my day. Even today, that pure love fills me, and as I sat to write a post today on some other topic, I couldn’t help but focus instead on sharing that love with all of you.
This week is the week of resurrection, of redemption, for all those of the Christian faith. This Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after he was put to death and we celebrate the potential of redemption and resurrection for each and every one of us. Not just the future redemption and resurrection of the body, beyond the grave, though that is a miracle and wonder and gift beyond words. But also the redemption of each of us each day, through this powerful love that Jesus Christ possessed completely and couldn’t help but share with all He came into contact with as he “went about doing good”–even charity.
Through this charity–this purest of all loves, which “seeks not itself” but seeks instead to bless all others–we can be redeemed.
Through this love we can…
- Feel our true, divine potential, a reminder we are so much more than our thoughts, feelings, bodies, and behaviors. We are more than others say we are, and so much more than most of us believe. We are true daughters and sons of the Highest Being!
- Remember what we once knew–that we are important and that we came to this earth, every single one of us, with an important work to do, a work only we can do.
- Overcome the thoughts that drag us down and tell us we’re not good enough, because hear me when I say: “You are good enough! In fact, you’re a walking miracle! The world needs you! You are so very loved!”
- Make our weaknesses into strengths. Our biggest challenges can become our greatest assets, and as we rely upon the Divine guidance to feel this Great Love, we will see not only that our weaknesses help us grow, but that they are the very thing we need to become something divine ourselves.
- Increase our love for all others. As we seek this Love, and allow it to fill us, we can’t help but share this Love with all around us. We will possess greater patience and compassion for our children and spouses and friends and family. We will speak up and smile and offer a hand to all those around us we see in need. We will share the good things we think about others ever more freely, for we will see them as they truly are–their divine nature, their weaknesses that can become their strengths and their strengths that the world needs–and they will see the true us.
Pure Love is a cycle. It must be received even as it is given. With every drop of love we receive, we fill ourselves with love; and as we become full of love, the drops begin to fall onto others. The cycle keeps us all full–every one.
So, please, do not block this love. Don’t let the truths I wrote above slip in one ear and out the other. Don’t push them away or disbelieve them. Let them in. Give them some thought, and feel the love I have for you in these words, in this post, written from my love-filled heart.
One of the best things of my job a psychologist is the opportunity I have each day to practice seeing the very best in others, seeing their strengths and the potential for their weaknesses to be transformed into their greatness. I feel this love for my clients, and I feel this love for you.
It may seem hard to believe. You may be thinking, “She doesn’t even know me.” Well, I may not–yet. But I desire to know you. And trust me, you are known by One ever so much greater than I. You are important. We need you. “I am so happy you have come here today.” I truly am.
Feel the love that I, that your God, your Higher Power, has for you. Seek this Great Love. Seek to feel it and to believe it and to let yourself be filled. Let love in, then pour it over all you see and let the cycle begin, with you, today.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts and feelings with us by leaving a comment, below. I would love to hear what you have to say.
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