25 Aug Join me for The Adventure of a Lifetime- ReDiscover Yourself at Zion Ponderosa Women’s Retreat
I love to travel, always have. I love seeing new places, meeting new people, getting out of my routine and trying something new. But it wasn’t until recently that I realized I don’t just love to travel; I love adventure.
I love exploring, getting out of my comfort zone, and pushing myself. I love seeing what I can do. That may involve jumping off a waterfall or pushing my social comfort zone, but either way, adventure is the perfect way to discover who we truly are.

Having a “moment” at Observation Point, above Zion National Park, at the Women’s Adventure Retreat. Ah-mazing!
The Adventure of a Lifetime– Zion Ponderosa Women’s Adventure Retreat
A couple months ago, I had the opportunity to experience the Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort Women’s Adventure Retreat, and what an adventure it was!
I showed up on my own, met up with 10 other women from around the country (staying in luxury cabins, with our own suites, I might add), and engaged in a packed schedule of activities each day, including hiking, sand-sledding, zip-lining, horseback riding, ATV riding, canyoneering, and even a helicopter ride, to name a few.
Of course, it was fun to be in a gorgeous place like Zion National Park and do these activities with other amazing women; of course, it was inspiring to see the grand scenery and experience nature in such a vibrant way; but as stunning and fun as the adventure was, the thing that stood out most for me was what I learned about myself along the way.
Now, I want to share that adventure with you. First, here in this blog post, with some things I’ve learned and ways you can also experience the adventure of a lifetime and discover who you are. Then, with an exciting invitation to experience the Zion Ponderosa Women’s Retreat with me (see below)!
Listen to my Motherhood Episode “Ditch the Guilt & Embrace Adventure- Benefits for Family, Relationships, & Personal Growth” here, or on iTunes, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my NEW “Motherhood” iTunes link for direct access to new episodes!

Our fabulous adventure retreat group, outside the entrance to Zion Ponderosa. Beautiful!
What can travel and adventure do for you?
Traveling, and even seeking adventure at home, can help you…
1)Learn about yourself. Strengths. Weaknesses. We all have them, and adventure will surely bring them out. At the retreat, my physical strengths came through. I was able to do more, physically, than I thought I could. At the same time, my social weaknesses became readily apparent. Though I could socialize and wanted to get to know everyone, my introvert kicked in and I craved alone time in my beautiful room. I started to understand how I could be misinterpreted as antisocial if I wasn’t careful. It made me have to work on this weakness, while also using my strengths to help others.

Hiking Angel’s Landing. What an amazing hike! Tough, but so worth the view from the top! Part of our group did this hike, and the other part did another gorgeous hike. Meeting everyone’s adventure needs at Zion Ponderosa Women’s Retreat!
2) Push yourself. Adventure allows you to test your limits and learn you can do and be more than you once dreamed. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, paving the way for new experiences and ultimately, for growth. I zip-lined upside-down! I also repelled (once upside-down, too–long story, but you can see it in this short video)! I’m not great with heights, so I really had to push myself with the repelling, and it felt terrific to see myself finally get it right and enjoy the process.

Yep, that’s me, zip-lining at the Zion Ponderosa Adventure Retreat! I didn’t plan to be upside down; I just sort of went for it! Who knew I was so daring?
3) Get you out of your “box.” Adventure is really about trying something new–whether that be a place, an experience, or new people. Yes, it can be uncomfortable at first to try something new, but getting out of your box is one of the surest ways to grow. And we all want greater personal growth, don’t we? I sure do.

With some of my new friends, in our ATV gear, jumping, in the mud, beside of a beautiful ravine. Now that’s getting out of my “box!”
4) Keep you growing through all “seasons.” I often write about overcoming–about growing through the hard times–but we can grow just as much in life’s “summers” as we can in life’s “winters,” if we are willing to stretch our self-imposed boundaries and explore coloring outside the lines a bit. At the Zion Ponderosa retreat, I was able to grow socially, physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually, and you can do the same through your own adventures.
Socially, we can make new friends and see how and who we are with new people. We can learn so much by seeing how we interact with different personalities and social situations.

Our Zion Ponderosa canyoneering group, having a blast bonding through facing our fears!
Physically, we can try new activities and enjoy the benefits of moving our body, too. We had women of all ages and activity levels on the retreat, and everyone pushed themselves physically in one way or another. It was beautiful to see how we could each reach our potential, and help each other along the way.

Pushing my limits for sure-repelling down a gorgeous canyon with the Zion Ponderosa Women’s Retreat!
Mentally/emotionally, we can learn new skills, which strengthens our brain and emotional capacity. We can also tackle fears and challenges, like worry, in a safe and supportive setting. One of the best things from the Zion Retreat was the companionship and support we offered one another. As we feel the support of others, we are able to safely stretch our mind and emotions. We can release what we’ve been holding, and we can heal. I know many of us on the retreat experienced this incredible benefit.

Success! Post-canyoneering trip pic with our fabulous group from Zion Ponderosa Women’s Retreat.
Spiritually, we can re-connect with our true self and build self-worth. This was the most consistent praise I heard from the other participants about the adventure retreat. Yes, we all had a blast, but even more, each of us reconnected with herself. Each of us took away a deeper spiritual connection in some way. For me, I was not only able to realize new insights about myself, but I reconnected with God, with nature, and the Divine. I truly felt myself “wake up.”

Taking in the wonder of Zion National Park. One of my favorite moments from the Women’s Adventure Retreat.
5) Awaken yourself to what’s true in you, in others, and in your Higher Power. When you experience adventure, you have an opportunity–the to awaken to yourself, to others, and to the bigger picture of life. When we take this opportunity, we feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to return home and take on whatever adventure may be coming our way next!
Join me for a very special “Adventure of a Lifetime-Discovering Yourself” Women’s Retreat,
at Zion Ponderosa Ranch Resort!
Participating in the life-changing Zion Ponderosa Women’s Adventure Retreat inspired me to want to do more–to help others experience what I did, but in an even deeper way. And after discussing with the Women’s Adventure Retreat director (and now my dear friend), Mandy Woodhouse, we’ve come up with an exciting new offer!
If you’re looking for the adventure of a lifetime, then email Mandy and join us for a 5-day retreat in the majestic Zion National Park, including adventure activities like those I mentioned above (hiking in Zion, canyoneering, zip-lining, etc), AND personal daily workshops with me!
Yes, I’ll be there with you through it all, sharing my best tools and inspiration to help you open up, rediscover yourself, and return home recharged and ready to reach your true, full potential!
And if you mention my name and this special offer, you will receive $100 off this already discounted rate for the week!
Of course, you can also register for one of the already-scheduled Women’s Adventure Retreats, too, and receive the discount if you mention I sent you. With or without me, I highly recommend it!
For more details, please email Mandy Woodhouse at Mandy@ZionPonderosa.com. Let her know I sent you, and tell her you’d like more details. She will fill you in on all the incredible activities and accommodations, and can offer details on price ranges and possible dates.
Once we get a few interested participants, we will set the date (so everyone can make it), and space is very limited, so don’t wait! I’d love to experience the adventure of a lifetime with you!
Watch this short video of my Zion Ponderosa Retreat canyoneering experience!
Listen to my Motherhood Episode “Ditch the Guilt & Embrace Adventure- Benefits for Family, Relationships, & Personal Growth” here, or on iTunes, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my NEW “Motherhood” iTunes link for direct access to new episodes or watch episodes on YouTube or my NEW webpage, “Motherhood TV!.”
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