24 May Shootings, Suicide, Tragedies: #1 Thing Parents Must Do
School shootings, youth suicides, and world tragedies headline the news each day; it can leave we parents feeling helpless.
No longer can we promise our children a completely safe world. No longer can we assure them their fears are not warranted. And no longer can we sit by and wonder what we can possibly do to change things.
There is one, most important thing ALL parents must do–for our own children, in our own homes; for the children we reach in our circle of influence; and for the children in our communities and world.
It may seem too simple to make a real difference, but if you listen with your heart, you will come to see this is the most powerful simple thing we can do to make a true difference in our children’s lives, and to affect the change we hope to see in the world.
Learn this “#1 Thing” in my vlog video, below.
Then, leave a comment here or on YouTube. Join the conversation, and share your thoughts and ideas.
Together, we CAN make this world a safer, healthier, more loving place for our children, for us, and for all.
Watch/read Part 1: How to Talk to Kids About Tough Topics: Shootings, Suicide, Death, here.
Video Summary:
As parents, we can feel helpless as we watch all the tragic events unfold in the world around us. What CAN we do?
As a psychologist, there’s one thing I’ve witnessed, time and again, that makes the biggest impact on children and adults alike: love and self-worth. True, unconditional love has the power to change people, and the payoff is huge not only individually, but for the world as a whole, including more peaceful, loving, and conscientious children and a more secure, stable, and healthy future.
Public policy changes alone will not solve these huge problems, because the true source of the problem lies within the perpetrators. Yes, mental illness plays a role, and yes, family of origin and upbringing can play a role, but ultimately, humans today are experiencing what I see as a “crisis of self-worth.” We don’t know who we are. We don’t know how to feel worthy and how to act confidently and humbly from that true source of strength within.
Let me be clear: I am NOT blaming parents. We parents do incredible things everyday. I love and honor parents, and it’s not our fault. What I am saying, instead, is that we parents can be THE difference.
We must teach our children who they truly are. We must show them their true identity and worth. We must ensure they feel it from us as they head into the world.
This is a call to action for parents everywhere to reach out to our own children AND all children within our reach, and show them they are worthy. They are valued. They are seen. They are loved.
Under all the violence, and hate, and bullying, and suffering of the world lies one thing: insecurity. It leads to greater mental illness, physical illness, suicide, and yes, too many other tragedies.
This is how we can stop the suffering. We must talk about mental illness, and talk about insecurities, and talk about self-worth, and stop the silence.
First, we must change ourselves. How can we teach about self-worth to our kids if we don’t feel it first ourselves?
We can speak to our children about our insecurities. We can show them how we’re working to overcome them. We can take the initiative to teach and love our children, and ALL children under our care, in newer, bolder, more powerful ways! (Read: The Greatest Battles of Motherhood Are Won Within)
It must start in our homes, schools and communities. We parents must lead the way.
Will you take the challenge?
What will you do to show all children under your care their true value and worth, today?
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Watch/read Part 1: “How to Talk to Kids about Tough Topics: School Shootings, Suicide, Death.”