Motherhood Radio/TV

Breast Cancer Awareness: BRCA Gene, Prevention & How to Educate Kids (Episode 93)

Kim Kusiciel, mom of 3, BRCA gene mutation carrier, breast cancer advocate, and early childhood teacher.

Breast cancer affects us all at some point or another, whether through a parent, friend, aunt, colleague. As mothers, it’s crucial we understand the facts about breast cancer awareness in order to educate our daughters and families. In this educational episode, I’m talking with Kim Kusiciel, mom of 3, BRCA gene mutation carrier, breast cancer advocate, and early childhood teacher. Both Kim and I are daughters of breast cancer survivors, and we’re discussing having a parent with breast cancer, how we can help/educate our children, as well as genetic testing, the BRCA gene mutation and the decisions that go along with discovering you are a carrier. Tune in with your daughters for this highly informative, important episode. And please visit to learn more about Kim’s experiences with the BRCA gene mutation and breast cancer advocacy.

The Power of Authenticity (Episode 92)

Learn how to live ‘fiercely authentically,’ with my guest Kristy Dominiak!

Why do we fear being our true selves? How do we find our true selves, especially when it’s so easy to get lost in “being mom”? Why is it so easy to fall victim to fear–fear of being judged or criticized, fear of being different? The power of living authentically is the power to live without these fears, to be at peace with who we truly are and to let the world know us, the real us. Only when we, as mothers, learn the power of authenticity can we then teach and model it for our children. My guest, Kristy Dominiak, mom, speaker, and author of “The Shaken Snow Globe” (, and I discuss why it’s so challenging to live authentically and how we can overcome those challenges to embrace the power of authenticity, for ourselves and for our families. And read my post, “The Value of Authenticity: 5 Ways to Get Real,” for more ways to live authentically.

Dealing with Anxiety: The #1 Mental Health Issue in Women & Moms (Episode 91)

Kathryn D. Gardner, MA, LCPC, specializes in maternal mental health & anxiety treatment.

Did you know anxiety is the #1 mental health issue in women? Anxiety is even more common than depression in women, and mothers seem to experience anxiety regularly. What is anxiety? How does it show up in women? And what can you do about it? My guest, Kathryn Gardner, LCPC (, is a Chicago-based counselor specializing in maternal mental health and anxiety disorders, and she’s here to share her best strategies for coping with worry, fear, stress, PTSD, OCD, and all types of anxiety you may face. Get ready to give anxiety the boot and to help your family do the same, with this empowering episode! For more on ‘Anxiety & Women: Sleep, & Hormones-What You Can Do,” click here.

Overcoming Mom Guilt (Episode 90)

Guilt is one of the most common emotions mothers experience–guilt over not doing enough, not being enough, guilt for what we’ve said, done, or how we “are” as moms. Yes, guilt is all too common in motherhood. So, what do we do with this guilt? How can we overcome it, or even better, use guilt to help US “overcome, become, and flourish?” That’s what today’s episode is all about, in this one-on-one “session” on the skills of overcoming guilt. We’ll discuss the two types of guilt, what to do with guilt, and some top strategies to ditch the guilt or let it motivate us to something better. Be sure to visit my website ( for more on overcoming guilt, including my “Overcoming Mom Guilt” post.
