28 Apr Postpartum Support International’s 2016 Blog Hop–Invitation! Theme: “Full Circle”
Postpartum Support International’s 2016
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month
Blog Hop!
I’m honored once again to be part of Postpartum Support International’s (PSI) annual Blog Hop! This is our fourth year doing the annual blog hop, in honor of Maternal Mental Health Awareness month (and Mother’s Day) in May.
PSI is inviting one and all to submit a post about your experiences with postpartum depression, anxiety,OCD, PTSD, psychosis, or even the Baby Blues, using this year’s theme, “Full Circle”. I love this theme, because it can help us see where we have been and how far we truly have come.
To join us, read the invitation from PSI, below. Then, start writing and you can begin posting by linking up here or on the PSI website May 1 and throughout the month! Be sure to follow all the guidelines, below, and if you have questions, feel free to let us know.
I look forward to reading your experiences and sharing mine this month as we celebrate motherhood, all we go through, and how it helps us grow!
May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month
#MaternalMHMatters #PSIBLOG
2016 Blog Hop Theme: FULL CIRCLE
The 2016 Theme is “Full Circle”. What does that inspire in you? Join the 2016 Maternal Mental Health Blog Hop, tell your own story about finding support and help, and help us increase awareness for perinatal mood disorders, recovery, and maternal mental health. Please write to Dr. Christina Hibbert if you have any questions, and send your entry using the link up below. If you want to share you story but don’t have a blog, send your post to Dr. Christina Hibbert at christina@drchristinahibbert.com and we will share it for you.
Blog Hop Editorial Guidelines
Our PSI blog hop is meant to be inclusive and is also meant to promote emotional safety and comfort and hope for all contributors and readers. To that end, we welcome your participation but also please keep in mind some editorial guidelines meant to promote comfort and safety.
- Name: Include your real name; we don’t promote people with online disguises. Anonymity can be arranged if you write in a pen name – Contact Christi Hibbert to discuss.
- Length: 500 – 1000 words
- This year’s theme: FULL CIRCLE
- Potential Emotional Triggers:
For the purpose of this blog hop and its focus on messages of support, we want you to do your best to avoid psychological triggers in your posts. Please do not write about detailed suicidal or homicidal thoughts, feelings, or plans. If you have any questions or concerns about that, please don’t hesitate to contact us atpsioffice@postpartum.net.
- Inclusive: Editors will not tolerate any negativity directed towards individuals or groups
- Commercial Interests: Please refrain from self-promotion of your website or sale items
Please post these notices:
- If you need immediate help, please call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- If you are looking for pregnancyor postpartum support and local resources, please call or email us:
- Call PSI Warmline (English & Spanish) 1-800-944-4PPD (4773)
- Email support@postpartum.net
How to Participate
- Write your blog post and send a link or attachment topsioffice@postpartum.net. This will help us keep track of all of the posts, and contact you if we have questions or suggestions.
- Link up your post using the Linky provided below in the blue section of this page, or on the Dr. Christina Hibbert blog.
- Grab the PSI logo code provided at the bottom of this page.
- Feel free to promote your blog and this blog hop on social media!
Social Media Links:
- #PSIBLOG is the hashtag we are using to promote this event
- Twitter: PSI’s Twitter handle is @PostpartumHelp
- Please join us on the PSI Facebook pages:
- Private Group www.facebook.com/groups/25960478598/
- Open Pagewww.facebook.com/PostpartumSupportInternational
My NEW book is here! “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise“
Order on Norton.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target.com, Walmart, or at your local bookseller!
Take my FREE Webinar, “Intro to Women’s Emotions,” or register for my 3-part Webinar Course on “Women’s Emotions: Caring for your Brain, Hormones, and Mental Health to Overcome, Become & Flourish!’
Be sure to check out my bestselling, award-winning memoir, This is How We Grow!
Available at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
My latest book, “Who Am I Without You,” is available now at
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Listen to my latest episode of “Motherhood” radio–on demand/download the episode at WebTalkRadio.net, and/or visit iTunes to subscribe!
Let’s Connect!
SUBSCRIBE, above, “Like” me on Facebook Dr. Christina Hibbert; This Is How We Grow, & follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram!
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[1] Anxiety and Depression Association of America. (2016). Anxiety and Women: Facts.
[2] Hibbert, C. (2016). 8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise. W.W. Norton Publishing: New York, NY.
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Hi Dr. Hibbert!
I’d love to see my perinatal mood and anxiety disorder included in the list. I was diagnosed with postpartum bipolar (a.k.a. bipolar, peripartum onset) in 2007 and I’ve been researching this PMAD ever since.
I was honored to be invited to submit my Huffington Post postpartum bipolar article, “Postpartum Bipolar Disorder: The Invisible Postpartum Mood Disorder”, for the PSI blog.
I want to thank you for leading the Blog-Hop and for all the positive and truly wonderful work you do! I’m definitely interested in getting your new book (Congratulations!!!!) especially because I’m a former A.C.E.-certified personal trainer and a huge believer in the power of exercise for mood stablity.
Thanks again, and take care!
Dyane Leshin-Harwood
Member, International Society for Bipolar Disorders, Postpartum Support International
Founder, Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), Santa Cruz County
Author, “Birth of a New Brain – Healing from Postpartum Bipolar Disorder”
Post Hill Press, 2017
Blogger, Huffington Post, The Mighty, International Bipolar Foundation
Thank you for your comment, Dyane, and for the suggestion and kind words. Yes, bipolar disorder should definitely be included in the list. What happens usually is that bipolar disorder is diagnosed following a postpartum psychosis episode, and because the two are so linked, bipolar disorder is often not listed in the “spectrum” of disorders. However, as you mention, it is common, especially since childbirth and the postpartum experience is such a huge life event, and a first episode of bipolar disorder is typically triggered by a huge life event. So many people misunderstand bipolar disorder; it’s difficult for even mental health professionals to understand and treat–probably because we don’t talk about it enough. So, thank you again for bringing this to our attention and for sharing your articles! P.S. I am a former ACE-Certified fitness instructor! We have that in common! 😉