11 Jan New Year’s ReSOLUTIONS!
So, did you do it? Did you set New Year’s resolution s? Did you come up with a new vision, goals, or even a yearly theme like I do?
If so, I have an important question for you: What is going to make you stick with and achieve those resolutions this year?
New Year, New Potential
The beginning of a new year is a time of potential. It’s a time of change, growth, transformation—or at least, it has the power to be.
We set goals, make resolutions, or develop a yearly theme to guide our efforts, but do we truly change, grow, transform? Or do we simply set sail only to take a pleasure cruise around the harbor and come right back to port?
We all know the drill. Most of us make a list around New Year’s including things we want to change, to overcome, to quit, to develop, to become! Some of us might have a list pages long of ideas and dreams and goals. Others might have one main focus for the year. It is SO fabulous that we use this time of year to turn our thoughts to self-improvement and personal transformation!
BUT…(and you know what’s coming)… the sad truth is most of us will not actually achieve the things we set out to do. In fact, it’s estimated that only 8% of those who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them. 8%! That’s the problem with this time of year—most of us don’t fully tap into that potential. Most of us set resolutions only to start slacking a few weeks later, to give up and ultimately feel like we’ve “failed.”
Why? Why is it so challenging to make lasting change? And what are the solutions for overcoming this?
Why is Personal Transformation So Hard?
To answer the first question, watch the video below. I created this as a New Year’s gift for my newsletter subscribers (subscribe above, right or below), and in it I reveal the 5 main blocks to change, growth, personal transformation. So, click and watch for answers! (It’s the first of a 3-part series and you can find them all on my YouTube channel!)
How can we actually Keep our Resolutions this Year?
What can we do to achieve personal growth and transformation in 2017? If you watched the video above you’ll understand why I believe we need the following 4 things if we want new year’s resolution success this, and every, year:
1) We need to be taught/shown how. We need specific ideas relevant to what we’re trying to achieve, and if someone can actually show us how to make the changes we desire, all the better!
2) We need goals that are tailored to our situation and needs. We need to do things our way, in a way that fits with our life circumstances and situation. We can’t just do it someone else’s way: we need our own way if we’re to succeed. In fact, research shows that of those who set specific goals, instead of making resolutions, up to 90% achieve them!
3) We need support. And the right kind of support. We need people to encourage, teach, and help us along our way. We cannot do it alone.
4) We need to learn the skills of mental fortitude to stick with it. This is where most of us really fail. We were never taught the mental skills we need to get and stay motivated, create realistic and achievable goals, overcome the inevitable roadblocks, and empower our thoughts and beliefs to find success!
4 New Year’s ReSOLUTIONS!
That’s what I want to help you do–develop these skills of mental fortitude so you can truly make this your year for mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical transformation! Over the years, I’ve created many programs, articles, and resources to help you do just this, and below are my faves. I hope you’ll pick one, or more, and get started today!
1) NEW! Exercise to Mental Health Personal Transformation Program!
I’m thrilled to announce my BRAND NEW program, Exercise to Mental Health! In this 6-week online course I developed based on my latest book, 8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise, I’m taking the research-based principles of mental fortitude presented in my book and bringing them to life.
This 6 session video course all about the “how” of achieving your personal transformation goals. Not only is this a way for you to work with me to build mental fortitude, but it will also teach you how to overcome the roadblocks to success that you’ll inevitably face.
I won’t go into the details here, because I have a brand new website to tell you all about it (http://www.ExerciseToMentalHealth.com). Click that link and check it out, because this is the BEST solution I’ve found to empower you to: 1) develop the skills of mental fortitude you need to stick with and achieve your goals, 2) understand how to make the lasting change you desire, 3) tailor your plan to your unique life and experiences, and of course, 4) do all this while receiving support from new friends and from me! Don’t wait!
2) Join me for the Zion Ponderosa Women’s Adventure Retreat & experience “The Adventure of a Lifetime–discovering yourself!”
Yes, this is happening, and I couldn’t be more excited! This is one of the most fun, rewarding, awe-inspiring adventures I’ve ever been on, and now, I’m bringing it to my friends and followers as an exclusive retreat with me to rediscover yourself, build self-worth, and leave with the skills you need to go for your dreams! And all for an incredible discounted rate!
Space is limited, and registration has just opened, so don’t hesitate! For more info, visit this post all about it, and follow the instructions for specific details and/or to register!
3) This is How We Grow Personal Growth Group
One of my first resources to encourage and show people how to “grow through life,” this online video-based group has been wildly popular! Many have even formed their own, in-person groups, supporting friends and neighbors along the way.
And guess what? I’m back for season 3! Yes, coming later this month, I’ll be starting lessons for season 3 of our group, with a whole new theme, a monthly video lesson, and of course, continuing support in our Facebook group.
If you haven’t already joined, it’s FREE and easy. Just click here for details and to register and you’ll receive all the new lessons, as well as links to our past lessons. Oh how I love growing with you!
3) This is How We Grow 30-Day Personal Growth Plan
Based on my bestselling book, This is How We Grow, my FREE 30-day plan is a great kick start! For 30 days, you’ll receive a daily email with a short inspirational “lesson” and activity to promote your personal growth. A great way to get started on your path to personal growth!
4) Join one of my Facebook Groups!
If you’re lacking support, I have a variety of Facebook groups geared toward just that–helping you know you’re not alone, connecting with others going through similar things, and getting inspired, together. Click on one that interests you and join us!
“This is How We Grow” Personal Growth Group
“Motherhood Essentials” Essentials Oils for Family Health & Wellness
Who Am I Without You? Women’s Breakup/Divorce Support
Growing through PPD: Postpartum Depression/Anxiety Support
Women’s Emotions: Overcoming, becoming, flourishing!
Blog to Book Deal: Author Platform Branding
Growing Through Grief, Loss, Trauma
Most of all…
The most important thing you can do if you’re struggling to reach your goals is to reach out for help in some way. Check out one of the posts, below, to help you set specific goals and learn skills of personal growth. And don’t quit until you discover the skills, plan, strategies, and support you need to make this your best year yet!
Bonus: Suggestion 5–Read one of my books! Great for getting you on your way to personal transformation!
“8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise“ is here!
“…Enlightening and empowering…” ~Publisher’s Weekly
Order online at Norton.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target.com, or Walmart.com, or visit your local bookseller today!
Join my NEW “Exercise to Mental Health” course and make this your year of transformation!
Click below or visit ExerciseToMentalHealth.com.
“Choose to grow” with my bestselling, award-winning memoir, This is How We Grow!
Available at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
Build true self-worth, confidence, and love with “Who Am I Without You.”
Available now at
Target, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, New Harbinger, or your local bookseller!
Join my “This is How We Grow” 30-Day Personal Growth Plan!
Register, just below, for INSTANT ACCESS to my FREE, 4-part series on “Essential Oils for Emotional Health, Hormones, Family Sleep, & Pregnancy, Postpartum & Motherhood!” And subscribe to my “Motherhood Essentials” newsletter for tips, recipes, and how-to’s on using essential oils for your family’s health and wellness!
Learn more about how you can be part of my NEW “Motherhood Essentials” Leadership Team and work directly with me! Join us as I mentor and teach you how to promote family health, happiness, and wellness through the incredible benefits of essential oils. For more details, click below!
Take my FREE Webinar, “Intro to Women’s Emotions,” or register for my 3-part Webinar Course on “Women’s Emotions: Caring for your Brain, Hormones, and Mental Health to Overcome, Become & Flourish!’
Watch my “Postpartum Couples” DVD FREE, online!
Let’s Connect!
SUBSCRIBE, above, “Like” me on Facebook Dr. Christina Hibbert; This Is How We Grow, & follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, & Instagram
Related Posts/Articles:
Exercise for Mental Health: How to Get (& Stay Motivated)
40 Physical & Mental Health Benefits of Exercise
Get Mentally & Physically FITT: How to create an exercise program that works
Exercise as a Family to Build Stronger Relationship, Mental & Physical Health
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Exercise for Mental Health: Key 1, Make it Fun!
Meditation for Mental Health, Personal & Spiritual Growth: The Spirit Meditation