13 Nov My New Book is a #1 Amazon Bestseller!
I wasn’t going to write today, but I can’t help myself. You see, as of yesterday, I am a published author, and since I started writing this post, I learned that I am also a #1 Amazon bestselling author!! This may or may not sound like a big deal to you, but to me, it is a HUGE deal.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of being an author. I love to write. I journal religiously. I have absolutely loved writing here on my website and blog. But my dream of being an author was put on hold when I suddenly became a mother of six children. My new dream was simply to help us heal, to build this new family we’d been given. Now, I have fulfilled both dreams. Writing this memoir, This is How We Grow, has been a labor of love for over four years. The story I tell in the book, my family’s story, has been a labor of love for over six.We have been through so much as a family, and writing this book has taken me through so much more.
Therefore, today I celebrate. Not because I’m “an author” or even a “#1 Amazon Bestselling Author.” No. I know I said that was why I was celebrating, but really today I am celebrating because I did it. I didn’t quit, even when times got tough (and believe me, they did!). I didn’t give up when I was told it was impossible, or that I couldn’t write a book because, “Um. Hello! You have six kids!” I didn’t give up raising my family or being the kind of mother I desired to be. I didn’t give up healing, or helping us all heal. Yes, I didn’t give up, and that is what today is all about–pursuing dreams to the end and never giving up.
So, celebrate this book launch with me by downloading This Is How We Grow for FREE on Amazon.com before midnight MST! (It’s available for Kindle and Kindle app devices–iPhone/Pad/Pod/Mac) Then, please tell everyone you know to go get the book and join the celebration, too!
It is okay–even amazing–to dream, my friends. Dream of family, of joy, of love, of success, of a bright future. Never give up on your dream.
[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://www.drchristinahibbert.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/square-head-shot1.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Mom, Author, Psychologist, Speaker, & Writer, Dr. Christina Hibbert loves songwriting, dark chocolate, and naps. She is feeling truly grateful today for the support of so many friends and family who have helped make her dream come true.[/author_info] [/author]
What is your dream? Leave me a comment, below, and share!!
Follow me on Facebook (Dr.Christina Hibbert; This Is How We Grow), Pinterest, Twitter, & Instagram! And please SUBSCRIBE, below, for news and inspiration on the topics that matter to you!
Related Posts/Articles:
“10 Ways I Choose To Grow Each Day”: This Is How We Grow Blog Hop 2013
Introducing my This Is How We Grow Personal Growth Group: Free. Online. Join Today!
This is How we Grow: Understanding the Seasons of Personal Growth
PSI Blog Hop 2013: 16 Things I’d Like My Postpartum Self to Know, 6 Kids and 16 Years Later
Why I Feel Like a Loser Mom, and How I Know I’m Really Not
Let’s Get Real: 10 Confessions from “The Psychologist, The Mom, & Me”
In Memory of My Sister, on the 5th Anniversary of her Death
10 Major Mistakes I’ve Made This Month, and Why It’s OK
How to Embrace Strengths & Weaknesses
The Positive Psychology of Flourishing: What is it? And Am I doing it?
The 3 Layers of Self-Care: Build a Healthier, Happier YOU!
Practicing Patience: 20 Ways to be More Patient Today
Postpartum Depression Treatment
Self-Esteem & Self-Worth: 10 Things Everyone Should Know
5 Women’s Mental Health Facts Everyone Should Know
Weather the Storms Together: 4 Ways to Strengthen Families Through Times of Stress
This is wonderful news! You deserve it all and I hope you celebrate like mad. Congratulations.
Thank you so much, Heather! I WILL celebrate–by getting some sleep tonight (finally) and celebrating my youngest’s birthday tomorrow (she’s turning six! Very exciting)!! 😉
I’m so happy for you Christina. I’m afraid to tell you my dream because it’s embarrassing compared to what you have gone through and what you’ve accomplished. The truth is that my dream was very similar to yours. I just don’t know how you did it and why I well, am failing. As I read your book, I’m hoping to find the answer. My first dream
Was to be a broadway dancer. I knee injury
Followed by 2 knee surgeries ended that.
My next dream was to have a family.
That came true. However, as my children
Neared college age, I found my health taking
A nose drive. I went from being the most
Involved parent to being bedridden. My
heart was (is) broken. Also during this
time there where many hardships, deaths
& abuse. I knew I was in trouble, not just
Physically, but emotionally as well. I’ve
been fighting my way out of the darkness
for over 7 yrs. All the while dreaming of
using my experiences to help others. I
want to start a blog & someday write a
book. I also want to help others by speaking
to others regarding parenting after abuse,
how to help children through grief & others
with mental health issues to thrive. I want
to be an advocate for others. However, I
I can’t get out of bed on most days due to
illness, anxiety & depression. I never ever
Imagined being this age & needing a cane
to walk. Being crippled by pain & being
told I would never get better. Even worse,
not being believed with no support. Anyway,
I feel like a failure as a parent & as a person.
I’ve written too much. You are an inspiration
to so many. I would settle to be able to
make a difference in just one persons life.
To be in a helping profession. To be able
to push past the pain, fatigue & depression.
Dear Mary…thank you for your kind words. I am grateful you shared your dreams with me, and I know you have had some very rough times. Living with chronic pain is one of the worst things you can deal with, because it affects every part of your life so much. You have raised beautiful daughters, you have bravely gotten out of an abusive relationship and have modeled strength for your daughters, and who knows what your future holds. All I can say is don’t give up. Keep working on getting yourself well, and when good days come, perhaps you COULD write or reach out and comment on other people’s blogs, or start a “living with pain” support group on FB, like I’ve done with the Personal Growth Group, or whatever your heart desires. You can and will make a difference in even more than one life. I’ve seen you do it already. Thank you for your continued support. Sending big hugs to you!!