27 Sep Motherhood 2.0 Podcast: Taking Mom to the Next Level
“Motherhood” is back for our fourth season, and we’ve got a new look, feel, and name–“Motherhood 2.0”!
Check out this interview with host, Dr. Christina Hibbert, and then SUBSCRIBE to the podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, or to “Motherhood TV” on YouTube, and SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter right here for updates on new episodes, free gifts, and other excciting events and news (see sidebar or below)!
Motherhood 2.0, eh? Why a new look, feel and name?
Because it was time for an upgrade. Having done this podcast for three years now, I was ready for a change, and even more so, I wanted to make this show more accessible and user-friendly for the fabulous moms who tune in each week. The original “Motherhood” was created back when it was a web radio show, but we’ve grown since then, and I wanted the entire vibe to reflect what we’re really trying to do. This includes a new logo, shorter and varying episode lengths, more one-0n-one sessions focused on the skills of self-mastery, and even a new theme song and intro!

Instead of the usual “glamour shot” for the show photo, I decided to use a more real and accurate depiction of what motherhood really is–the calm in the chaos! That’s “being mom!”
Why Motherhood 2.0?
I think it’s time we take moms to the “next level” of motherhood, happiness, health, mental wellness, relationships, and life–whatever that looks like for them! For some, this may mean, “How do I actually get a full night’s sleep with a newborn?” For others, it may mean, “What do I need to learn in order to build my sense of self-worth,” and for others it may be more like, “My relationships are good…but what would it look like if they were flourishing?”
We are each in our own unique place as moms, and women, with our unique challenges and struggles, goals and dreams, stresses and successes. I’m aiming to tailor Motherhood 2.0 to ALL moms–to meet each mother where she is–while also challenging listeners to find their “next level” and be willing to start the journey of getting there.
We will still be “growing through motherhood” together, instead of just going through it on our own, but now, we’ll be working to overcome, become and flourish in a bigger and bolder way! My goal is to inspire each listener to seek a new vision of who they could be as a mother, to empower moms to evolve and become that vision, one step and skill at a time!
What about moms who are still struggling to get “1.0” down, let alone “2.0”?
This is especially for moms who feel like they’re struggling. Listen, taking motherhood to the next level is not all about pushing ourselves and setting higher and faster and bigger goals. It’s about tuning in to ourselves and listening to our true needs, and then seeking to meet those needs.
Sometimes, “the next level” is doing less, not more. Sometimes it’s about relaxing, sleeping, resting, recovering, and saying “no.” We have to go through these growing times in order to flourish later. Motherhood 2.0 isn’t about “doing more” or pressuring anyone to be anything other than who they are and where they are. AND, to gently nudge ourselves in the direction of what’s next and best for us, even if it feels like that thing is a big step back. I’ve learned that stepping back is really usually just our way of preparing to take a future giant leap!
Watch Motherhood 2.0, “Taking Motherhood to the Next Level,” now!
How can moms get the most out of the “Motherhood 2.0” podcast?
Three ways:
1) Subscribe to the show and tune in!
This is the simplest thing to do, but so many forget, therefore have no idea when new episodes are up.
Click here to subscribe on iTunes and get notifications when new episodes are posted.
Click here to subscribe on SoundCloud.
Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel for the video versions of the show. You can also subscribe specifically to my “Motherhood TV” playlist!
2) Join our “Motherhood 2.0” FB Group (formerly “Growing Through Motherhood”)!
Click here to join the Facebook group, and then check in each week for thoughts and questions of the week to get you thinking about your own progress, and to help you connect with other like-minded moms who are going through the same things (trust me–there’s always someone)!
I’m working extra hard this season to really make this a “tribe,” a safe place where moms can gather and share and talk and vent and receive support, love, and inspiration. We NEED each other, moms! I believe this wholeheartedly, and I believe this tribe can, and will, be the place all moms will want to be!
Also, comment and introduce yourself so we can get to know each other, and bring your questions, comments, thoughts, and yes, even criticisms about episodes or even just life, to the group. This is how we grow!!
3) Join me for FB and Instagram LIVE each week!
I’ve made a commitment to go LIVE on my FB page every Monday, and many Wednesdays and Fridays. I also go LIVE on Instagram when I can actually access two phones and get it set up!
I will be teaching, inspiring, and empowering viewers about…
Motivation Mondays–What are the skills of overcoming I’m learning/working on personally and with my clients? How can we generate energy, joy, and motivation?
Worth Wednesdays–How can we build true self-worth, including seeing and accepting the “good, bad, ugly, and exceptional”? How can we teach our children/families/friends to do the same? How can we live with confidence, enthusiasm, meaning and purpose?
Flourishing Fridays–What are the skills of flourishing, and can we ALL develop them (hint-YES!)? How can I discover my own “next levels” of self-mastery, thriving, and flourishing? What does it take to get to that next level?
PLEASE go RIGHT NOW to my FB page, click “like,” and watch for notices when I go live! I will be setting up event reminders, so watch for those, and you can also watch the replay later. And tell your friends to do the same. It’s always more fun together!
Also, FOLLOW me on Instagram (go now!) and you’ll see when I go Live there, too!
These live events are a fabulous way for me to “talk” with you, hear your questions and ideas, and reply with my own thoughts and suggestions. Yet another way to build our fabulous tribe!!
Listen to our first “Motherhood 2.0” episode, NOW!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Just that I hope you’ll tune in and join me on this NEW “Motherhood 2.0” adventure! It’s just the beginning of a whole Mastery Of Motherhood (M.O.M.) community I’m working to build, including my new book (coming 2019), live MOM events, online courses, a membership site, online support & mentoring groups, and group and individual coaching!
I can’t wait to share this all with you, so keep your eyes peeled and watching!
In the meantime, I’ll see you on “Motherhood 2.0,” in our FB group, and LIVE each week!