04 Feb Meditation for Mental Health, Personal, & Spiritual Growth: “Spirit Meditation” [video]
I haven’t always been a meditator. I used to think it was kind of strange, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to try it for a long time. But about six years ago, when I was going through some of my hardest trials, a craving for peace, personal, and spiritual growth began pulling me toward mindfulness and meditation. I was in need of something–something new, something to calm and center me, something to quiet my mind, something to bring a greater sense of mental health and wellness.
The Power of Meditation
Enter meditation. I first attempted to meditate by sitting still and breathing. I’d been practicing deep breathing for years and had done visualization exercises plenty of times with my clients and myself. But this time, I was trying to quiet my overstimulated, overwhelmed mind. I was trying not to think. I was trying to let go of every thought that came. It was extremely difficult. I found myself thinking about all kinds of other things; my mind wandered and I seemed at a loss to bring it back. I felt frustrated and defeated.
I attempted again, many times, and yes, it became a little more “do-able” over time, but mostly, it was a struggle for me. I’d studied and knew of the many benefits of meditation, and I wanted those benefits. But, I figured, maybe I just wasn’t cut out for meditating.
I was wrong. A couple years later, having given up on meditation, I attended a women’s conference and the speaker led us through a powerful meditation. As I write, in This is How We Grow, “I could actually feel my spirit. I comprehended, even for a moment, that it truly has no beginning and no end. When I focused, I could expand my spirit even bigger than my body, allowing me to experience just how vast each soul truly is. Meditation–I’d been trying to do it for so long, yet [the speaker] converted me in a five-minute experience. I was hooked.” (p. 363)
Meditation for Mental Health: Benefits
I was hooked, and I still am. Meditation has become a staple of my mornings, along with exercise, prayer, and scripture study. It has become a portal to greater peace, focus, and awareness in my daily life, a gateway to a deeper spiritual connection and power throughout each day. When I meditate, I feel more focused and efficient in my work, more patient in my parenting, and more loving in my relationships. When I forget to meditate, I feel the difference, and I miss it greatly.
Meditation and mindfulness have been studied often and shown to improve mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Here are some of the specific benefits meditation offers:
1) Greater sense of peace and calm.
2) Clearer mind and thinking.
3) Helps you focus on the present, bringing a greater sense of awareness to your world, loved ones, and blessings.
4) Improves the immune system, which means less illness and greater overall health (which is also great for mental health!).
5) Helps reduce and manage life stress. Mindfulness meditation not only lowers stress; it leads to lower levels of the stress hormone, cortisol.
6) Helps reduce negative emotions, and can benefit emotional health after the meditation is over because it changes the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain.
7) Shown to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain.
8) Can actually change the brain in positive ways that may protect against mental illness.
9) Can improve sleep!
10) Meditation has been shown to increase compassion and a desire to “do good.”
11) A wonderful tool for personal growth, calming the thinking mind and opening one up to a deeper sense of who you truly are.
12) Can increase spiritual awareness, openness, and connection with God and the Divine.
The Spirit Meditation
I’ve experienced all of these benefits, and that’s a big reason I keep making myself practice mindfulness and meditation each day, and why I’m hoping you will give it a try, too.
Below is a video of my favorite meditation. It’s based off the one I wrote about above, the one that opened me up to the true power of meditation. Though there are countless ways to meditate, and I often try different techniques, this one is my favorite. It’s the one I do most days, and I want to share it with you. I also share it in my new book, Who Am I Without You?, along with several other tools that can help anyone going through anything, so I hope you’ll visit the link just above and check those out, too!
What can Meditation do for YOU? Let’s find out…
Click on the video below and give yourself the gift of 7 minutes today. Only 7 minutes to see how meditation might benefit you! Then, leave me a comment, below, or on my YouTube channel, and tell me all about it. I hope it’s one of the best things you learn to do for your mental well-being, personal growth, and spirituality, too!
[stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DmVyvXdgnRTg img=x:/img.youtube.com/vi/mVyvXdgnRTg/0.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]
What are your thoughts on mindfulness and meditation? Have you practiced meditation? If so, what kinds of exercises do you prefer? What benefits have you experienced? Did you try the “Spirit Meditation ” What did you think? I’d love to hear all about it, so please leave a comment, below!
Pre-order Who Am I Without You at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, New Harbinger, Target, or your local bookseller!
Coming March 1, 2015!
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available now at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
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Thank you, Christi, for this wonderful meditation! I just did it after a long and stressful day, and it completely relaxed me and renewed my spirit! You are a wonderful guide. Thank you for all you share. I learn and grow so much with you! Keep the meditations coming!!
You’re so welcome, Elisa! I was hoping you might give it a try, and I will definitely keep more meditations coming. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Hi Christi, I’ve tried the breathing & meditation. However, I have severe PTSD & I’ve had some very unwanted, intrusive & frightening flash backs happen while doing this. I’m too afraid to close my eyes even anymore when attempting to just relax. I know that certain experiences will haunt me forever, so I’m too afraid to ever attempt meditation again. Is this normal?
After being diagnosed with Depression, I found that meditation is a very useful tool for my mental health. Meditating quiets my mind, helping me focus on simple things to rejoice over. Coupled with support from family and friends, meditation can lead more self-realization as well.
In view of health, mental and spiritual growth meditation is very useful for us. Meditation makes your mind peaceful and reduces stress and depression. It give us happiness and self confidence. According to
Lama Surya Das meditation can help to increase mental strength, focus and memory retention. I think by doing meditation we can improve our daily life.
I thought it was interesting that meditation can help with boosting your immune system. I’ve been thinking about practicing mindfulness. I hadn’t realized that it could affect me like this, so I’ll have to be more diligent about it.
I feel the same. Now, as a breast cancer survivor dealing with chronic illness, the power of mindfulness and meditation is like a medicine to me that I need to take every single day.