03 Feb Like a Watered Garden, New Podcast
The world is like a garden, a garden that’s been in a drought–dried out and withered! We’ve all endured so much for so long. It’s time we were “watered.”
“Like a Watered Garden” is my brand new podcast…
Its purpose is to help you & me “overcome, become, and flourish” in mental-emotional-social-physical AND spiritual ways, so we may feel “like a watered garden and a spring of water whose waters fail not.” It’s a verse from Isaiah, 58:11, and it brings to my mind the exact replenishment and sense of “ahhh” I think we all need right now.
You may know I’ve been having my own “withering” experiences.
I’ve been dealing with breast cancer treatment, and complication after complication for over 2 1/2 years now (& counting).
Diagnosed in July 2019 with stage 1 triple negative breast cancer (the most aggressive kind) & the BRCA1 genetic mutation, I had a double mastectomy one week later, and thought I’d have two more surgeries (hysterectomy & reconstruction), not need chemo, & be “done” within 3-6 months.
Sleeping after my double mastectomy with expander placement, July 24, 2019, Pioneer Day.
How wrong I was!
13 total surgeries, including several emergency explant surgeries from staph infections, starting reconstruction all over in Sept 2020 with a DIEP Flap after becoming extremely sick with breast implant illness, kidney stone surgery, and an emergency strangulated hernia surgery, with 2 feet of my intestines shooting out into my abdomen, and intense chemotherapy and cold-capping (to save my hair), in 17 months, I thought I was “done” with treatment & could finally begin to heal last January, 2021.
DIEP Flap reconstruction, Sept 18, 2020, my 10th surgery in 14 months.
How wrong I was!
I began to feel sicker and sicker, extremely depressed, and this pile of trauma suddenly showed up that was heavy and left me with PTSD. Right when I thought I’d be taking a turn for the better, things took a turn for the worse. Again. And after many months trying to find an answer, I was diagnosed with gastroparesis, an incurable “paralyzed stomach” (& colon, for me), with chronic constipation. Apparently, my hernia had damaged my internal organs, never to function the same again.
I also began to realize I needed additional help for my depression and PTSD, and I added ketamine assisted therapy to my already 2-years of psychotherapy & EMDR.
July 2021, I did a “Dear Body” photo shoot with BRCA Strong, & began to try & understand all I’d been through.
Fast forward to the end of 2021…and I could relate to the world!
That feeling of, “seriously? Aren’t we DONE with this yet?” has been pervasive in me, not only about COVID, but about breast cancer and all it’s done to my body-mind-spirit.
I was “dried out” and “withered”. I was exhausted, beat up. I’d fought battle after battle in a much-longer-than-anticipated WAR for my life! Yes, I was a breast cancer warrior, but the warrior was TIRED. The warrior needed watering.
Ironically, the idea for “Like a Watered Garden” actually came to me the week I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I thought, “I can start a blog, and work on it while I recover!”
How wrong I was!
Now, 2 1/2 years later, I realize it wasn’t a blog I needed, but a podcast. A podcast that combines the mental-emotional-physical-social tools, research, and knowledge I’ve gained not only as a psychologist and author for over 20 years, but also as a woman who has endured her fair share of trails, death,loss, suicide,becoming a mother of 6 out of tragedy, trauma after trauma, back to back brain injuries, and yes, breast cancer & illness.
I am a woman who has had to put her faith to the test, and never has it been more in my daily, hourly focus than these past years.
Mother’s Day 2020, just after my 8th surgery. A huge blessing of COVID? ALL 6 of my kids came home.
Now I wish to share my faith and knowledge to help YOU “overcome, become, and flourish,” too!
On “Like a Watered Garden,” I show listeners how to personalize and apply the stories from the holy scriptures to help us GROW.
Yes, this is the first time I’m combining my faith as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, with my love of the scriptures, with my love for psychology and personal growth.
And I’m doing it not only because I love Jesus Christ & His gospel, but because I love discussing HOW to use that gospel to GROW, and because I want to help YOU do so, too.
I pray you will tune in, IF you enjoy growing.
IF you enjoy learning in a supportive and faith-filled environment. IF you enjoy scripture stories. IF you enjoy learning the tools & skills of self-worth, personal growth, and self-mastery!
For the first season, we will be following along with the “Come Follow Me” scripture study manual and studying in the Old Testament.
Yep, that’s right! We’re beginning where it all began, and I am excited to show you just how applicable the ancient stories in that great book are to US–to YOU–today!
So, join me and feel & experience the power of these words:
“And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat (strong) thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” (Isaiah 58:11)
I hope to get to “overcome, become, and flourish” in this whole new way with you!
P.S. Be sure to tell your friends!
You can find us on Apple Podcasts,Spotify,Stitcher,Google, & Amazon! OR, just visit this page and find links to the show!
Oh, and be sure to join my “Like a Watered Garden” Discussion Group, on Facebook!
And find episode study guides and transcripts, and learn more at http://www.likeawateredgarden.com!