19 May How to Talk to Kids About Tough Topics: School Shootings, Suicide, Death
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5 Tools for Talking with Kids about Tough Topics (Vlog),
In today’s conflict-filled world, kids can feel scared, unsettled, and unsafe. It’s up to us as their parents to help them through these troubled times.
I know as a parent I often feel like I don’t know what to say to help my kids through the toughest times and topics. I’ve had lots of practice, however, as I’ve helped my children face death, suicide, loss, grief, school shootings, arson, and so many terrible things that have happened in our family, community, and world.
The following are five suggestions for how you can talk to your kids about these tough things, too.
1) Acknowledge openly what’s happened, how the child feels, and talk about it together, using direct terms and language appropriate for the child’s age.
2) “I’m here for you anytime.” Make sure your child knows you are ok to discuss this issue anytime, and that it’s not “off limits” for you. Also ensure s/he knows s/he won’t get in trouble for coming to you to share information about the topic.
3) FEEL. First, model FEELing emotions yourself by Freely Experiencing the Emotions you feel, with LOVE. Then, teach your children to do the same. (This video can help: How to Cope with Overwhelming Emotions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4nE8…)
4) Follow up. The next day, later the same day, later that week, be sure to check back in with your child and ask, “How are you feeling now?” “How did you feel after we talked the other day?” “What else can I do to help you feel better?”
5) Do one thing to SHOW your love for your child, today. Show them you’re there and this is a safe place. Show them the love is right here for them, always.
There is so much we can do, as parents, to combat the craziness of this world and make sure our children are secure, and it starts in the home, with us.
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READ Part 2: “School Shootings, Suicide: The #1 Thing Parents Must Do,” here.