09 Feb Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up…
Dear Stress,
This letter may come as a shock to you, but it’s been weighing heavy on my mind for some time.
I can’t be with you anymore.
I can’t put so much time and energy and effort into you–into your big ideas, selfish motives, and heart-pounding emotions. It’s a roller coaster ride, and I’m finally getting off.
Sure, we’ve had some good times—or, at least, you have, as you’ve toyed with me and my feelings. But I’m no toy to be played with. I’m so much better than what you have made of me.
I’m better than the fear and anxiety and worry you continually drop in my lap. I’m better than the pain I’ve caused myself and others because I’ve allowed you to control my thoughts and emotions for far too long.
I’m better than the insecurity and wondering if I’m good enough—for you, or for anyone else. I’m better than the paralyzing beliefs that “I’ll never get it done,” “I can’t slow down or I will fail,” or “I’ll never be as good as I need to be.”
I’ve come to realize: I am good enough. I am good enough to go it alone. I am better when I’m not with you.
To make it easier on us both, I’ve come up with a few “rules” for our breakup. I ask you to honor these and keep your distance, since, as of this moment, you are my past, and this is my future…
1) I will take care of my body, by sleeping, moving, and eating energizing foods each day. I know that when I don’t do these things I make myself vulnerable to you, and I can no longer afford to do that. I must be physically healthy and strong if I am to keep you away.
2) I will prioritize my mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, including daily meditation, mindfulness, prayer, and spiritual connection. I will give myself time—time to tune in, to think about what matters most, and ponder; time to listen to the whispers and decide what’s best for me without all the pressure.
3) I will rest and relax. Yes, that’s right. No more “go, go, go” all the time, feeling like I have to “keep up” with some impossible standard, because you keep telling me I do. I will slow down, listen to what my body-mind-spirit needs, and even stop when needed, to rest and replenish. I will take time to talk and connect with those important to me, and to always feel free to say “no” if it’s not something I absolutely love or feel inspired to do.
4) I will no longer allow you to interfere in my relationships, like a weapon I wield that prevents others from wanting to be around me. I will focus on healthy connections, on listening and just “being” with my family and friends. I will let go of all you’ve made me fear in my relationships and simply love the ones I love. I will leave behind of all the people who follow after your ways of thinking, and instead, spend time with those that build me up and bring out the best in me, the opposite of what you have brought out in me.
5) In my work, I will listen to that higher, truer voice, guiding me step by step along my path and not your harsh, belittling voice telling me I’ll never achieve success, that I’ll never be good enough. I’ll believe that higher voice, follow that truer path, and won’t glance back as you quickly fall behind.
6) I will continually seek to let go of you, moment by moment, choice by choice, so I may fill myself instead with peace, and love, and joy, and light. I will then share myself openly, calmly, lovingly, with all around me as I pass on to others all I’ve learned and gained from leaving you.
Again, please respect my terms, and don’t try to get back together with me. If I sense you coming, I will turn and walk determinedly the other way.
We are over for good, stress. And I am already so much better off as a result.
Formerly Yours,
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