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  • "Like a Watered Garden," the podcast that shows you how to personalize the scriptures to help you “overcome, become, and flourish” in bio-psycho-social-emotional and spiritual ways, using Come Follow Me in the Old Testament......

  • As I write by book, Reluctant Warrior: A Breast Cancer Memoir & Emotional Survival Guide I'm sharing it here on my blog...

  • Two of my sisters have died, and one thing I know for sure is this: The grief doesn't just "go away."..."Why hasn't the world stopped? My sister just died."...

  • Today is five years since I heard the words: “I’m sorry. It is breast cancer.” How does it feel to experience my 5 year breast cancer-versary? I woke up too early… 3:30 am, I awoke achy and restless, screaming from nightmares. My body clearly remembered.......

  • Breast cancer trauma has deeply impacted my sense of self-worth, making me wonder "Who am I now?" I'm not the only one. ...

  • We women are so good at caring for everyone else, but we're not so good at self-care. We hustle to maintain it all--family, work, home, health, goals, purpose, relationships--but the last thing we really need right now is more hustle. What we most likely really need as......

  • "Dear Body,I once thought you were my enemy.Now I know BREAST CANCER is the enemy. And you?..."Imagine writing a letter to your body... What would it say? That's what I was asked to do as part of the BRCA Strong "Dear Body" photo shoot I flew across......

  • "What does it mean to carry the BRCA gene mutation--for myself & my family?" 2 years ago today, I learned I carry the BRCA1 genetic mutation--10 days after I'd already been diagnosed with breast cancer, and 3 days after my double mastectomy. I knew I was at......

  • I've spent the last 24 months of my life dealing with breast cancer, and the last 12 months dealing with breast cancer AND Covid. And I have come to see that COVID has shown us all a little of what it's like to have cancer.  It......

  • Know Your #MomGenes: My BRCA Gene Testing Story I’ve just undergone my 7th surgery in 9 months. My body has had it, and I’m thinking about how this cancer could’ve been prevented if I had known I was #brca1 positive before. Immediately following my double mastectomy with......

  Postpartum Support International’s 2016 Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month Blog Hop! 2016 THEME: FULL CIRCLE I'm honored once again to be part of Postpartum Support International's (PSI) annual Blog Hop! This is our fourth year doing the annual blog hop, in honor of Maternal Mental Health Awareness month (and...

  Today's the day! My brand new book, "8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise" is finally here! Yes, today is the official book launch day, and you can now find it on Norton, Amazon, Barnes & Noble,  Target, Walmart, and all over the place!      Even better? GIVEAWAYS! I'm giving away 5 autographed copies...
