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  • "Like a Watered Garden," the podcast that shows you how to personalize the scriptures to help you “overcome, become, and flourish” in bio-psycho-social-emotional and spiritual ways, using Come Follow Me in the Old Testament......

  • As I write by book, Reluctant Warrior: A Breast Cancer Memoir & Emotional Survival Guide I'm sharing it here on my blog...

  • Two of my sisters have died, and one thing I know for sure is this: The grief doesn't just "go away."..."Why hasn't the world stopped? My sister just died."...

  • Today is five years since I heard the words: “I’m sorry. It is breast cancer.” How does it feel to experience my 5 year breast cancer-versary? I woke up too early… 3:30 am, I awoke achy and restless, screaming from nightmares. My body clearly remembered.......

  • Breast cancer trauma has deeply impacted my sense of self-worth, making me wonder "Who am I now?" I'm not the only one. ...

  • We women are so good at caring for everyone else, but we're not so good at self-care. We hustle to maintain it all--family, work, home, health, goals, purpose, relationships--but the last thing we really need right now is more hustle. What we most likely really need as......

  • "Dear Body,I once thought you were my enemy.Now I know BREAST CANCER is the enemy. And you?..."Imagine writing a letter to your body... What would it say? That's what I was asked to do as part of the BRCA Strong "Dear Body" photo shoot I flew across......

  • "What does it mean to carry the BRCA gene mutation--for myself & my family?" 2 years ago today, I learned I carry the BRCA1 genetic mutation--10 days after I'd already been diagnosed with breast cancer, and 3 days after my double mastectomy. I knew I was at......

  • I've spent the last 24 months of my life dealing with breast cancer, and the last 12 months dealing with breast cancer AND Covid. And I have come to see that COVID has shown us all a little of what it's like to have cancer.  It......

  • Know Your #MomGenes: My BRCA Gene Testing Story I’ve just undergone my 7th surgery in 9 months. My body has had it, and I’m thinking about how this cancer could’ve been prevented if I had known I was #brca1 positive before. Immediately following my double mastectomy with......

I was pacing my hotel room in Sacramento, CA a few weeks ago, doing last-minute preparations for a presentation when, quickly checking my email, I saw a message titled, "IPPY Award Winner Interview." I'd already seen a few emails from the Independent Publisher's Book Awards announcing winners in...
