10 Oct Here’s To The #CancerWarriors
The day I was diagnosed with #breastcancer, not quite 3 months ago, this came to my mind. It was a new way to try & comprehend the whole #cancerexperience, to somehow rid myself of the whole concept of "the C-Word" and instead create for myself a challenge, an opportunity, a gift through it all.

It doesn’t usually feel like a gift, of course. It's tough. Rough. Messy. Full of ups and downs & in-betweens. BUT...it IS a process that can reveal the best in us. THAT, I truly believe.
Here's to all the #cancerwarriors out there, getting up & keeping going every single day, through surgery & illness, fatigue & medicines, facing down the unknown, moment by moment. Here's to all the #parents fighting #cancer out there, living each day bravely so your #children can find peace. To all the #childhoodcancer warriors, showing us how it is done, like my littlest sister, McLean, did until she was 8. To all the #survivors & #thrivers out there, letting yourselves go through the mud & muck so we can see of what we are made, planting ourselves so we can grow. Here's to finding out that what we are made of is light & beauty & courage & strength undefined, & that we will not only grow, we will thrive & we will #flourish.
“CANCER” is too often misunderstood to mean “Can-CEL-Her”. This is a lie we must never believe!
I'm finally posting this because I need to feel this today as I start #chemo. AND it’s also #mentalhealthday, & we deserve good #mentalhealth! Also as a reminder that “CANCER” is too often misunderstood to mean “Can-CEL-Her”. This is a lie we must never believe! If anything, cancer can allow us to speak more boldly, live more fully, & love more fearlessly. Sending love to everyone else out there fighting the good fight. You're stronger than you think you are. And #yourenotalone. Pass it on. <3