01 Jan New Year, New You! Top 6 Strategies for Change & Personal Growth
There’s something about January and another new year that gets my personal growth juices flowing. I just love the meaning of this time of year—the idea of hope and renewal, of a second (or fiftieth) chance, of the unrealized potential just waiting to be tapped and developed.
Decembers are always trying for me. Though I love the message and meaning of Christmas and the feel of the holiday season, it seems that, for as long as I can remember, it’s been a time of particular challenge, a time of once again “overcoming.” These past two months have been exactly that– filled with family stressors that left me with physical and emotional challenges, it has been a time of winter both literally and figuratively. Once again, I’ve retreated into my home, into my family and faith, and focused only on the basics as a way to pull through and to grow. And I have. I’m feeling much better—renewed, and ready to emerge once again, as it works with the seasons of personal growth.
Now, I get to focus on a new year, a new theme, and hopefully a newer, improved me. As we each emerge from seasons of winter, or as we drift into fall, or blossom in spring, we feel the hope of summer and flourishing, and that’s what January is all about. In fact, the word “January” comes from the Roman god, Janus, god of gates and doorways. Janus is depicted as having two faces, one facing forward and the other back. Let this time of year be your chance to look back and forward at the same time, to learn from the past and move on through the doorway to a newer, brighter future (and you!).
My Top 6 Strategies for New Year’s Change & Personal Growth
The following are 6 of the best strategies I can offer to help you create a new you this year, based on many years of my own personal growth and of helping others “choose to grow,” too. Use these suggestions to inspire, motivate, direct, and guide you into this new year’s opportunity.
The past is gone, and the future is yet to be written. Today, the present, is a gift, a clean slate. So, grab a pen and begin to write–a new future, a new you!
- Make time to reflect and learn. The beginning of a new year is a natural time for reflection, but
are you purposefully reflecting upon not only your past, but on your present life, where you are, who you are, and who you desire to become? Are you learning from what you’ve experienced so far? You can’t figure out what you need or where you’d like to someday be if you don’t know where you already are. Set aside at least an hour, and hopefully more, where you can get still, tune in, and listen to your heart and soul. Hear what it’s saying to you. Write it down. Perhaps you need to finally deal with a long-time issue. Maybe this is the year you finally tackle that physical or mental health goal you’ve envisioned for so long. Perhaps this is the year you focus on a new skill, challenge, trait, or develop a new talent. Maybe it’s time for a major life change. Be bold and courageous as you let the truth come to you. Until you listen to your heart, you’ll continually miss what it’s whispering to you. When you stop and obey the whispers, you’ll be led exactly where you need to go. (Read “Becoming the Butterfly–The Power of Personal Transformation.” Or, if you’re hoping for greater physical and mental health this year, read “Get Mentally & Physically FITT: How to Create an Exercise Program that Works, and pre-order my brand new book, “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise–available soon!)
- Get clear on your mission and vision. After you know where you are, it’s important to envision
where you hope to be. Or rather, envision who you’d like to become. Creating a mission statement can help; it can give your life focus and purpose and remind you of what really matters, day to day. My free gift, “How to Create Your Mission Statement” is a great place to start (coming next week–subscribe, top right or below, for first dibs!). Once you know what you want for your life’s purpose, it helps to create your vision. This is the shorter term application of your life’s mission. Use your mission statement to see your future, and then keep that future in mind and apply it each day by living with vision. These posts, Personal Growth Tools: Creating Your Life’s Vision & Beyond Resolutions: Discovering your New Year’s Vision can help. (And join my “This is How We Grow” Personal Growth Group, season 2, for more on how to discover & fulfill your life’s mission & purpose!)
- Push yourself, but not too much. Just enough. What if you could be just 5% more loving, or 5% better at a talent you’re developing, or at your work? Imagine how that 5% would add up, over time.
And it’s not overwhelming, is it? 5%? It’s completely doable for all of us. We must push ourselves out of our comfort zones—that’s what personal growth is all about. But we don’t have to jump out of the nest before we’re ready to fly. Focus on believing in yourself. Actively develop a strong sense of self-worth, and remind yourself each day that you can, and will, continue to grow, if you choose to do so. Then, use the 5% rule to push your comfort zone and prepare to take flight! (Read “How to feel Self-Worth: The Pyramid of Self-Worth” and check out my book, “Who Am I Without You?” for a 52-week guide to developing self-worth.)
- Set one, two, or a few achievable goals or, instead, try a yearly theme. One problem too many of us create for ourselves is trying to do too much at once or tackling something that’s too big or we’re not ready for. Change is a process—one that’s more like a spiral staircase we ascend and descend several times before we get to the top (read this to learn more about making lasting change). We have to be ready to make change in order for it to actually work, and we have to set goals that are realistic, achievable, and measurable. You might try what I do, instead, and select a yearly theme. This is a way to focus deeply on one important trait or quality you’d like to become, for an entire year. Then, you can set smaller goals to help you along the way. Whatever you do, however, don’t overdo it. One step at a time is all it takes. Trust me. (For help and ideas, read “New Year’s Goal-Setting: 5 Steps to Personal Growth Success.)
- Don’t go it alone. We need each other. We need support and encouragement and kindness, and love. Let your family be there for you. Set up a support system to help you in your process of personal growth. Or, join one of my online support groups. Join my This is How We Grow Personal Growth Group, try my “30-Day Personal Growth Plan,” or join one of my Facebook support groups (Growing Through Motherhood, Personal Growth Group, Who Am I Without You Breakup/Divorce Group, Women’s Emotions: Overcoming, Becoming, Flourishing!) Just make sure you’re not trying to
do this alone. (And be sure to check out my award-winning memoir, This is How We Grow, which will show you you’re truly not alone!)
- Do it your way. While these are my best suggestions, learned through years of focusing on change and growth, both personally and professionally, they may not encompass what you need to make change. There is no one way to fulfill your life’s purpose or to achieve your goals. The best advice I can give is to find what works for you and do that. Don’t compare to how others are doing things. Don’t turn to social media to see if you’re “measuring up.” Do it your way, and let it be good enough, because it most definitely is.
Join my “This is How We Grow” 30-Day Personal Growth Plan!
And for those who’ve already registered, keep your eyes open for “the next 30 days”–coming soon!
My Gift to You! Happy New Year!
Listen to my new episode of “Motherhood” radio, “New Year, New You–How to “Cultivate the Good Life & Record It,” available Monday January 4, 2016, for more ideas! Listen on demand/download the episode at WebTalkRadio.net, and/or visit iTunes to subscribe to the show.
Share your best strategies for New year’s resolutions, goals, change, and growth, by leaving a comment, below!
My NEW book is almost here! “8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise“
Pre-order today!
Be sure to check out my bestselling, award-winning memoir, This is How We Grow!
Available at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
My latest book, “Who Am I Without You,” is available now at
Target, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, New Harbinger, or your local bookseller!
Let’s Connect!
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