24 Sep Creativity & Motherhood: 10 Ways to Uplift & Inspire Your Kids, Family, & Self!
As women, and especially as mothers, we are creators. Creators of human beings, creators of families, creators of homes. We nurture, love, uplift, and inspire, and all of these requires creativity.
It’s easy as busy women and moms, however, to let our creativity fade, to let the busyness of life overtake us, ruling our schedules and making us believe our need for creation is unimportant, impossible, or insignificant. Yet, we need to create. We were born to create! We must continually nurture our creative qualities and pursuits if we want to keep our spirit alive and kicking, and when we do so, we have so much more to offer. In fact, it is through creativity that we uplift and inspire–our kids, our families, our communities, and yes, ourSELVEs.
10 Ways to Boost Creativity & Uplift and Inspire!
I was inspired by my interview on Motherhood radio with Rhonna Farrer, graphic artist and creator of the award-winning apps, Rhonna Designs & RD Magic (which I LOVE!). It is truly energizing to be around people who embrace & actively foster their creativity, and Rhonna is definitely one of those people! In fact, her tagline, “Uplift & Inspire,” inspired this blog post as well as our radio episode on “Motherhood & Creativity: Uplift & Inspire!“ (Listen here on demand or download podcasts from iTunes!)
If your creativity needs a boost, check out the following 10 tips I believe are essential to nurturing and keeping creativity flowing in motherhood. Then, use that creativity to get out there and uplift & inspire, today!

I struggled with my confidence as a writer for years before I finally made myself believe in me. 2 years later, I’d not only published my first book, but I won an award for This is How We Grow! Others obviously believed in me, too. 🙂
1) Acknowledge your creativity.
I can’t tell you how often I hear people say, “…but I’m not a creative person!” To that I say “Wrong!” We are all creative in some way or another; the trouble is we think creativity only applies to artistic ability, when in reality it’s so much more. You may be a creative thinker, problem solver, or nurturer. However and whatever you create–be it a clean home, happy disposition, or physical or mental health–is your creativity shining through. Your creativity may shine in your garden, at the dinner table, or while playing with your kids. It may pop up in how you handle your relationships, how you serve others, or how you learn. We ALL create. The first step is to acknowledge your preferred forms of creativity.
2) Believe in yourself.
Of course, for any of these things to happen, you’ve got to believe in yourself. You’ve got to recognize your creativity and believe you can and will be able to apply it to make the world, or your home, or even your life, better. If you don’t have confidence in your creativity at the start, then fake it ’til you make it. Practice, like you would with weight lifting, until your confidence muscles become stronger. Even if you don’t feel confident, you can still practice creativity. The more you work on building your creative muscles, the more likely your confidence is to start shining through. (For more on building self-confidence and self-worth, click here.)
3) Practice nurturing your creativity each day.
To flourish, creativity must be nurtured. That means making creativity a part of each day–on purpose! It may sound difficult, but it’s simpler than you think. Writing, drawing, singing, dancing, crafting, gardening, decorating, brainstorming–even (and especially) mothering can get your creative juices flowing! The trick is to make creativity a practice–part of your daily routine. Rhonna Farrer has a fabulous way to nurture her creativity. Each day she selects one of 100 creativity-boosting exercises from a jar and does it. For example, doodling on a chalkboard or writing down thoughts or ideas throughout the day. Check out Rhonna Farrer’s “Boost Your Creativity” post, workshop, and kit to try it out, too!
4) Ditch the excuses.
Okay. I know it’s not easy to cultivate creativity when you’re exhausted, sleep deprived, barely showered (or not quite showered), and just trying to keep up! Trust me, with 6 kids, this is my life every day. BUT, I can also say that creativity can fit in with motherhood, no matter what season of ‘being mom’ you’re in.
There truly is a “reason for every season,” and you can fit creativity into every stage of motherhood. Sit and practice piano with your baby strapped to your back, pull out the finger-paints and dig in with your toddler, or work with your teenager on redecorating her room. Practicing creativity doesn’t have to add more time to your already busy life. It’s more about using your time as wisely as possible, about simplifying things by creatively approaching each task. It’s about getting out of the “box” of excuses for why you can’t be creative and finding a whole new box to explore!
5) Nurture your relationships with creativity.
When I was in high school, my friends and I started “creative dating.” We’d invite new guys out

My husband, OJ, and me at my 39th birthday/ “This is How We Grow” book release party! Such a fabulous, fun night!
each week and then plan outrageous, fun dates with them that included things like playing cards in the airport, dinner on mountaintops, gondola rides with Italian opera, and a serenade in 3-part harmony (by us) to top it off! We can bring the same creativity to our marriages and relationships, if we focus and work on it. Play games, tell jokes, dance, sing, laugh together. Anything that gets you out of your rut!
For my birthday a couple years ago, we had a super fun game/competition/book launch party, with Jenga, Perfection, Connect 4, and “SingStar” competitions, as well as a few intense “Down on the banks of the hanky pinky…bullfrog” hand slapping competitions between my friends to win copies of my book! Other prizes included a “Bacon Wave,” kitchen appliances we no longer needed, and even our old TV! Everyone felt like a kid again; it was a great time! Think outside of the box with your family, partners, and friends–it will not only uplift and inspire your relationships, it will strengthen your creativity!
6) Practice creativity in your parenting.
Whether it’s helping your child find a solution to their problem, doing the end-of-the-year projects with them at midnight (the day before it’s due!), or finding creative discipline solutions that work, parenting is all about creativity. Actively incorporate creativity into your daily parenting by looking for new ways to handle your children’s needs, respond to intense situations, keep your family healthy and active, and teach important values and skills. Instead of talking out a problem, have them draw a picture of it. Then, together, draw a picture of a creative solution. There are countless ways to boost your creativity as a parent. All you have to do is look for and implement them! (Read more about Parenting Skills, here.)
7) Create the Life you Desire.
It’s up to us to envision, execute, and ultimately to create the life we desire. It won’t just fall into our lap. It takes work, and it requires creativity. Don’t sell yourself short. Learn to use your creativity to bring to pass the life of your dreams! Learn how in Create the Life you Desire, Parts 1 & 2!, Create your Life’s Vision, and Becoming the Butterfly: The power of personal transformation!
8) Create the body and mind you desire.
Physical and mental health are both acts of creation, as well. We can’t be healthy, and happy, until we make our health a priority. Exercise is one of the best tools for creating the body and mind you desire, and this article can show you how to create an exercise program that works for you! Sleep, nutrition, alone time, and self-care are other elements of creation that build wellness and help us flourish. We have to see these as creative acts, as acts that ultimately lead to health. Then, we have to practice creating the body and mind we desire. (For more ideas, read 6 Strategies for Body-Mind Empowerment, The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection, and w5 Steps to a Clutter-Free Mind (and life!) And be sure to check out my new book, 8 Keys to Mental Health Through Exercise!)
9) Create happiness.
Research shows that only 50% of happiness is determined by genetics and personality. The other 50% is up to us. Only we can create happiness and discover joy; we can’t afford to wait around, hoping it distills upon us. How do we do this? These posts are a great starting place: Beyond Happiness: 10 Ways to Create Joy, Living a Life of Meaning & Purpose: The key to true happiness, and Joy is in the Moments.
10) Create love.
There is no greater creative purpose than that of creating love. And yes, loving is a highly creative process. As we focus on others’ needs, seek to meet those needs, nurture, uplift, and inspire, we grow, and as we focus on personal growth, we have so much more love to share!
As I write in This is How We Grow, “…Love comes from God and nature and light, and fills us, if we let it, like a well that never runs dry. As we receive this love, we become so full of love it pours out our eyes and mouth and arms, filling those around us, too. Love cannot be kept, but must be given and received again— a continuous cycle that, when complete, generates greater and higher love. Yes, choosing to grow is choosing to love.” (Kindle Locations 6847-6849).
We can create the love we desire. We can create the life we desire. As we nurture our creativity, we will be “constantly filled” with “beautiful stuff.” Then, it’s up to us to tip over and let that beauty out. It’s up to us to share, to serve, to uplift, and to inspire.
How do you keep your creativity alive? What inspires you? How do you use creativity to uplift others? Share your ideas, tips, and creative pursuits with us, below, by leaving a comment!
Be sure to check out my New show, “Motherhood,” on WebTalkRadio.net!
Link for this episode: Motherhood & Creativity: Uplift & Inspire!
(Featuring Rhonna Ferrer, of Rhonna Designs!)
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8 Keys To Mental Health Through Exercise, subscribe today!
Be sure to check out my bestselling, award-winning memoir, This is How We Grow!
Available now at Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
My latest book, “Who Am I Without You,” is available now at
Target, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, New Harbinger, or your local bookseller!

Design created by Rhonna Farrer, using her fabulous RD apps!
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I can’t tell you how much inspiration your blog is bringing me. Thank you so much for all of your wisdom! You have given me the motivation to focus more on my creative outlet, which is blogging. Would you mind sharing what you use to create the graphics on your blog? I love all of them!
Thank you again. I am in the season of being a stay-at-home mom with hopes for my future career in the mental health field (also working with mothers) and your posts are always so relevant to my life.