29 Jan Join my All New 8 Day REPLENISH Self-Care Challenge
We women are so good at caring for everyone else, but we're not so good at self-care.
We hustle to maintain it all--family, work, home, health, goals, purpose, relationships--but the last thing we really need right now is more hustle.
What we most likely really need as the New Year settles, routines are resumed, and goals, resolutions and 'words' for the year are well under way (or not), is less hustle and more self-care.
Why a Self-Care Challenge?
It's been a rough few years for almost everyone.
I know I feel it, now 3.5 years into what I originally thought would be a 6 month breast cancer journey!
I know Covid had a profound impact on the mental, emotional, and social health of so many.
I know the years since have remained tougher than usual for most.
I know the holidays & New Year only add to the stress and overwhelm.
What do most of us really need?
We need to be REPLENISHed.
Because that’s what most of us are really lacking right now.
We're depleted.
We need to “fill [ourselves] up again,” to “make good,” and to “restore.”
We need to “fill with inspiration or power”–ourselves, that is.
And so, the word REPLENISH became the inspiration for this challenge.
This challenge focuses on 8 core areas of replenishment, or self-care.
Each day, participants will focus on one area, learn principles and skills related to that topic, and then use the mindfulness exercise of the day to help practice those skills.
This will help us to REPLENISH, focusing on the following principles:
Day 1: Rest
Day 2: Evaluate
Day 3: Pause
Day 4: Listen
Day 5: Edit
Day 6: Name
Day 7: Integrate
Day 8: SHow up!
How does it work?
Each day, you'll receive an email containing a 5-minute video lesson, along with a 5-minute mindfulness, meditation or visualization practice.
In each of these emails, ’ll share:
1) the psychology and research behind each principle,
2) the deeper understanding and meaning of the principle,
3) specific strategies for how to implement the principle into daily life, and
4) an exercise to help you practice that principle.
That’s it.
Oh, and we'll also have:
- Giveaways!
- 4 Live Q&A's
- Bonuses you won't want to miss!
You simply sign up. You get an email each day with a couple helpful ideas, suggestions, and tools.
Then, you tune in to the 4 live Q&A sessions (or watch the replays later), and learn even more with me.
You put at least one of the suggestions into play that day and give it a try.
And we see what a little intentional self-care, in these 8 core areas, can do for you.
A brand new challenge
Yep, that's right. This challenge may have the same name as the challenges I've done before, but it is completely recreated and NEW.
Having just had my 14th breast cancer-related surgery only 3 months ago, I need REPLENISHment as much as anyone!
In fact, spending so much time focusing on healing, I’ve learned a lot about how to replenish, care for, and nurture myself.
Before, I was using a more “forced’ approach--pushing myself to "hustle," keep up, be MORE.
Now, I’m using a mindful, self-compassionate approach to let go, receive the good, and simply BE.
And I invite you to join me, as we seek to RESET, RENEW, & REDISCOVER you!
Simply click the link here, or in the image above and below, register, and you’re in!
You should receive a welcome email with all the details right away.
You’ll also receive emails throughout the 8 days with inspiration, encouragement, and bonus tools just for those registered, including free audio downloads, exercises, and worksheets to help you REPLENISH your body-mind-spirit these next 8 days.
Then, be sure you’re following me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube!
Your daily emails will give you all the details about when/where I’ll be, so you can join us live or watch the replay later.
Whether you join me in this challenge or not (and I really hope you will), the thing I wish most for you is to live with self-compassion, self-kindness, and self-love through self-care.
It means more than you likely realize, and there’s always something we can do to improve.
Self-care is the key to self-love and self-worth, and the key to loving others and helping them see their worth, too.
Let’s REPLENISH this coming week, and see what a difference it can make.