04 May 3 Skills of High Performance Mamas
Several months ago, I joined my very first “mastermind” group, the High Performance Mastermind, created by Brendon Burchard. I had no idea what a Mastermind even was (other than a funny kids’ movie!), but I quickly came to realize I was joining a group of high performers, a group of go-getters, a group who weren’t afraid to have an audacious dream and go for it, or rather, who might be afraid but went for it anyway.
I have met the most incredible individuals from around the world in this group, and one of my favorites is Anna Renderer.

With Anna Renderer, as we were about to board a multi-million dollar mega-yacht with our High Performance Mastermind group!
You might know Anna as the host of PopSugar Fitness. You might have worked out with her (as I had done and didn’t even realize until she mentioned PopSugar). Anna is also a certified High Performance Coach, and has incredible programs and resources on her website, www.AnnaRenderer.com.
But most of all? Anna is a new mom, with an 8 month-old son. She gets it. She gets being a career-woman, going for huge, audacious dreams. She gets becoming a mother and the incredible impact it has on every facet of your life. She gets “high performance,” and why it’s so important for we mamas. That’s why she created, “High Performance Mama.”
Why “High Performance?”
My first question for Anna, when I interviewed her for “Motherhood” Radio/TV, was, “What does high performance mean to you, and why it’s so crucial for women and mothers?”
Her reply: “High performance is developing yourself as a woman, maximizing your strength within, and maximizing your potential to do what you need to do. Because, if you’re trying to grow, then you’re ok with challenge, you’re ok with the work, but it takes the skills and the practices to armor yourself and make yourself ready.”
This is high performance. And we mamas need to learn these skills and practices in order to “maximize (our) potential to do what (we) need to do.”
Watch or listen to my “Motherhood Radio/TV” interview with Anna Renderer, here, below, or on iTunes!
Mamas are High Performers…
We women and mothers are high performers by nature. We tend to go for it, try to do it all and do it all well.
But we too often get it wrong. We think that just by “doing” more, we will “become” more. It’s not necessarily true.
To become more, to maximize our potential, as Anna said, we need to learn and develop the skills–of high performance, of personal growth, of self-mastery.
What are some of the High Performance skills we Mamas need?
Three essential skills came out of this powerful episode with Anna, and I believe they’re 3 issues we women and mamas deal with on a daily basis.
1) The Skill of Energy
Yes, energy is a skill.
We think it’s something we just wake up and hope to have, but really? It’s something we have to create, generate, and cultivate in our daily lives.
Anna shares her ‘STRONG’ method for developing the skill of energy, in the Motherhood episode above, and I highly recommend listening/watching to learn these important skills.
To this, I add that energy is also a huge a part of our mindset, thoughts, and beliefs, and vice versa. It’s so intertwined with our emotions and mental state, as well as our physical wellbeing.
One of the most valuable skills, when it comes to energy, is to develop the mindset of energy creation.
What lights you up? What gets you out of bed? What motivates you? How can you put more of these things into each day?
What thoughts, feelings, or beliefs do you need to change in order to generate greater energy each day?
What goals or dreams do you need to focus more on, in order to bring more meaning, purpose, and “mission” into each day?
All of these can help improve energy, but sometimes, you need more than just a few helpful ideas. Sometimes, you need focused help.
Check out Anna’s programs, or join me for Mastery Of Motherhood Live or one of my other courses, events, or programs and learn more about building the skills of energy!
2) The Skill of Productivity
As a mom, it can feel like all we do is “be productive.” We do SO much, all the time, and many times, without much of a rest or break.
But is this really productivity? Is productivity simply busyness?
No. Busyness does not equal productivity. Productivity has more to do with ensuring the things we ARE doing are the BEST things, and not just an endless list of GOOD things that will wear us out and never get us where we truly desire to be.
Anna suggests asking, “What are the needle-movers in our lives? What are the most important things we need to be focused on?” And right along with this, I always suggest asking, “What matters most?”
Can you identify the top 3-5 things that matter most in your life? Are you spending your time and energy on these things first and foremost? If not, what is standing in your way?
As we tune in and pay attention to what really matters, and compare these things with how we spend our days, we begin to sense what productivity really means. And only then can we start to move the needles forward in motherhood, career, family, life.
(Listen or watch, above, to learn more about the skills of productivity.)
3) The Skill of Balance
“Balance is really about choices.” That’s how I see it, anyway. It’s not like we can just “balance” ourselves, but as we make the right choices for ourselves and our families, we experience a state of balance. Balance is the outcome of healthy, focused choices.
Ever since my concussion, I’ve struggled with balance–physically. I just can’t seem to hold those yoga poses like I used to, and I especially struggle when I’m in a Barre class, in a balance pose, and find myself looking around. Even if I’m looking at my teacher, I begin to wobble. Every single time. If I’m focused on anything but myself and my own progress, I wobble, and sometimes, fall.
The same goes for balance in our lives. If we’re looking to others to see “how” they’ve done it, if we’re trying to follow what “they” do, if we’re doing whatever works for somebody on Instagram but doesn’t work for us, we’re going to wobble and possibly fall.
To learn the skill of balance, we must go within. Go within our mind, body, spirit, listen to what we need, crave, desire, and then? We must obey. Obey those whispers, listen to the voice within, and take action in the right direction, according to what we know to be true for us.
This is balance, or the beginning of it. It’s a skill of choices, daily made, that leads to a beautiful, balanced end result, or a fall.

With Anna in Miami Beach, 2019. This is what high performance can do for you. Incredible people, incredible places, incredible mastery of YOU!
Want to Be a High Performance Mama?
There are so many more skills of high performance to be learned, and Anna’s High Performance Mama program, and my Mastery Of Motherhood LIVE and online programs are great places to begin.
In fact, Anna and I are partnering for Mastery Of Motherhood, so you’ll be seeing much more of us together!
THAT is the benefit of choosing to be a high performer and then getting yourself around other high performers. We push each other. We challenge each other. We support each other. This is an essential skill of high performance–we are there for one another and cheer each other on!
Choose to push yourself, mama. And then? Join us and choose 5% more: 5% healthier, 5% happier, 5% more productive, one day at a time. Those “5%’s” really add up quickly, and you’ll be a Master of Motherhood, life, YOU in no time, if you just choose to give these skills a shot today.
Let’s do this.
Join me in Scottsdale for MOM Live!
The first event of its kind!
“Next-level motherhood. Next level you.”