17 Mar Where Really Great People Meet
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
Mark Twain once said this and I happen to agree. In fact, maybe more than anything, I love meeting with really great people–people who inspire me, teach me, help me. I love to learn from and about others; I love to hear their stories, their successes, their struggles. I love to hear about how other people do it, the “it” being life.
And I envision this as a place where really great people come to meet. So today I would like to hear about YOU. Who are you? What is your family like? What are your hobbies? What are your hopes and dreams? What and whom do you love? What do you look for in a really great person? Who do you admire? And do really great people make you feel great too?
Join this community of great people by posting a comment. Share yourself with us here and put Mark Twain’s words to the test. I will bet he was right and that you will become even greater because of it!
See how easy it is to share a little about yourself? I can’t wait to read what you post!:)
Hi Christi. I love your new website and blog! Thanks for all you do! I will definitely be putting your link on my blog.
I guess you could say I have somewhat of a mixed family. My husband and I along with raising our own three children had the unique opportunity to raise my brother and sister. My sister is now out of the house and attending college and my brother just returned home to us three days ago after serving a two year mission in New Jersey for our church. While it was hard to watch my parents abandon my siblings it opened my eyes to just how great people can be. My heart is full and so grateful to those great people that have helped me and my siblings get to where we are at today. Great people absolutely help me to feel better about myself.
On the other side of things people that aren’t so great tend to really drag me down. We all have those people in our lives that just suck the life right out of you. For me it’s my Dad. It would be easy to just write him off, but that doesn’t feel right to me, so I will continue to GROW through this experience called life. My hope is that one day I will see my Dad the way God sees him and that I will truly be able to forgive and love him.
Hi Julie! Thank you for being the first to share a little of you with us. I didn’t know all those amazing things about your family. You proved me right–that this is where great people come (you being the first) and that sharing your story helps me become even better. I need to add, for anyone who ever reads this, that another great thing Julie does is she volunteers. She is the coordinator for the Arizona Postpartum Warmline and does incredible work helping moms and families. I look forward to hearing more from you, Julie, and working with you as we both try to GROW through life!
Hi! I also love your blog. I am a mother to three little darlings, a wife to a husband in dental school, and I won’t lie, life is pretty stressful around our neck of the woods. I find that every week things are getting more and more intense in my husbands schooling, and I think I am loosing myself more as an individual. Most days I am trying to keep my head above water, and now I have just decided that I have a right to live a HAPPY life. Thanks for helping me learn how to do that.
I want to “ditto” what Julie said. There are some definite people in my life that are dragging me down, my father in particular and I want to have the courage to stand up for myself all while continuing to love him.
Greatful for this blog! Thanks Christi!
You are welcome and thank you Barb for sharing yourself with us. You absolutely deserve a HAPPY life and I’m glad to hear you are finding it! I agree with you both too that it’s just as important to know your boundaries with those who drag you down as it is to surround yourself with those who build you up!