31 Dec Beyond Resolutions: Discovering Your New Year’s Vision
Beyond Resolutions:
Discovering Your New Year’s Vision
My New Year’s Vision
“A few years back, tired of ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and needing an entirely new approach, I developed the idea of a ‘yearly theme’. What I really wanted was to move away from the small, too-often forgotten goals of New Year’s resolutions toward a more meaningful practice of personal development. Having a yearly theme would serve as my one resolution for the entire year and give me focused, extended practice in mastering it.
“My first year’s theme was ‘Carpe Diem’—a time in my life when I was ready to take on the world as a freshly licensed Clinical Psychologist, mother of three, and starter of a non-profit organization. I think I ‘Carpe’d’ a little too much ‘Diem,’ if you catch my drift, and ended up completely burned out by the end of the year. But somehow it was all ok; it was the exact lesson I needed at that time and paved the way for the next year’s theme, ‘Humility’. And that’s what I have found every year: my theme-selection process produces uncanny results” (excerpt from This is How We Grow, Hibbert, 2013).
I don’t take my theme selection process lightly. After all, if I’m going to be attempting to master something for an entire 365 days, it had better be a worthy opponent. When December rolls around, I begin my theme-selection process by evaluating the year past and pondering the year to come. Sometimes I’ll just know what the theme for the next year will be, but more often than not, by December 30 and 31, I’m deep in the process of sorting it out. I will have pulled out my previous year’s journal and read through the more important entries to get a feel for where I have been—for my strengths over the year, the ways in which I have grown, and the weak spots that need a little more nurturing–and I will have created a list of theme ideas that might suit me for the year to come. But mostly, I will pray. And I will ponder. And I will write. And I will listen.
And when I do this right, it leads to, not just a list of nice ideas that might help me be thinner or more organized or happier, but to a purpose—my vision for the year to come.
My New Year’s Vision for YOU
So, my advice to you at the start of this New Year is this: Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t settle for resolutions that lack meaning and depth. Goals and resolutions are good and well, as long as there’s a bigger picture and purpose to them, as long as they are steps on the path of your greater vision.
Take the time to evaluate your life, to see the strengths and the weaknesses, to listen. What do you need to learn this year? What needs a little more nurturing in you? Then, don’t just choose to change this year–choose to grow.
This is my New Year’s vision for you and for me–May our New Year be one of growing, and may we grow lavishly.
What is my “theme” for this year? As I write this post, I’m still working it out. I’m getting close, though, and hope to be sharing it in the comments (below) soon!
In the meantime, what is your goal for this year? I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about this time of year. How do you tackle the new year? What are you choosing to work on? And especially, are you with me in “choosing to grow?” Let’s do this together!! Share your heart with us in the comments, below!
PS-I do have one actual “resolution” this year, I admit. You can read about it in this article from Psych Central!
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Great post, Christi. We just decided to do this as a family this year, and I’ve chosen a personal one as well. Our family theme is going to be “Replace fear with faith,” and my personal theme will be “Focus.” Eric and I just spoke in church yesterday about goals, and I talked about this very thing. You are amazing and inspirational!!
Thank you, Melanie! What great themes you have chosen for the year! I love “Focus”–it could apply in so many different settings and areas of your life. And “Faith” was on my list for this year too, but I love the idea of “replacing fear with faith”. It sounds like you’re off to a great start for a fab New Year! Much love to you and your family! I hope to see you if I get up to your area this summer!! Hugs!:)
The year of “Optimism” is here! As midnight struck and I kissed my honey, I shared with him my “theme” for 2013, and only then did I know that it was exactly right. Looking up this definition of optimism a couple of hours before midnight helped me finally decide–“a general disposition to expect the best in all things.” That’s what I’m shooting for, and I’m quite optimistic my vision for 2013 will be realized. Happy New Year!